Can they deny my working visa?

I don’t have any criminal record. However, when I was 17 I had a traffic accident where a biker hit me when I tried to cross the street. I didn’t see him coming. The biker said he did see me from far away, yet he didn’t even slow down and when he hit me I flew a few meters.
They told me It was my fault because 1. I didn’t use a crossing (there were no crossings nearby) and 2. I didn’t pay enough attention, therefore I did traffic violation because I didn’t cross the street on a crossing. He got injured but recovered.

The consequences was that I did traffic rule violation and the government sent me a bill that I have to pay his medical expenses, which I do.

Previously my workplace asked for a criminal record but I am clear.

Can this cause a problem if I apply for working visa/working holiday visa to Japan?

Can they reject my visa because of this?

  1. Can they? Absolutely. They can deny you at anytime for whatever asinine reason they want to.

    Will they? Most likely not in your case.

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