Summer exchange in Japan questions! (pls help me out lol)

I’m in my first year of university, and don’t want to delay my graduation since lots of my study abroad credits for my major probably won’t be exactly transferrable.

Because of this, I was considering doing a summer exchange abroad in Japan, but had some questions in regards to this:

1. Is it normal to do a summer exchange after one’s first year of university? Since it’s during summer, It won’t mess up my schedule. However, are there any pros and cons to doing it after my second or third year of university? (Or maybe I could do two summers abroad?) I’m not sure, so sorry for the rambling lol!

2. My university offers exchanges at Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies, as well as Nagoya Gakuin University. I don’t know much about the individual cities themselves other than what I read online (plus my Japanese teacher worked in Nagasaki before and said there were lots of festivals and whatnot, and Kyushu looks pretty,) and I’ve heard that Nagoya can be boring. But in reality, I’m only going there for a couple of months, so I’m not sure which city will allow me to see more (*architecture, Onsens, and more traditional over modern culture*). Would you say Nagasaki is cheaper? SORRY FOR MORE RAMBLING😂

3. Is there a good chance I’ll be able to find a job in Nagasaki? (I’m slightly leaning towards Nagasaki as I feel I’ll be able to explore a more “traditonal” side of Japan, but who knows, since I’ve never stepped foot in the country before haha)

Also, this may seem dumb, but I’m slightly concerned that my parents will be nervous that I’m going to Nagasaki, just because they associate it with an atomic bomb lol. That’s not a major concern tho 😉

LASTLY, are the spiders going to be much worse in either of the cities? I’m an arachnophobe, but refuse to let it hold me back 😂

Thank you so much for reading my essay!!

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