Any JETs in the Chugoku region who might be interested in meeting up?

I’ve only been in Okayama for a week and the isolation is already hitting me pretty hard. I’d love to get to know and hang out with anyone who happens to be nearby!

  1. Hey! I’m not super close, but Im in Shimane. If you wanna connect send me a DM

  2. Take a look into local Japanese courses – the ones held by community centers and such are usually cheap/free, and they’re full of friendly people for the most part.

    I don’t know what’s available in your area, but if you’re having trouble finding something, just let me know. I can help. Definitely not in the area, but I remember being somewhere where there were no other foreigners when I couldn’t speak a lick of Japanese.

  3. I just got placed in Okayama and will be bringing my husband! We’ll be there soon! (August)

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