17 Day Itinerary Check – 3/31-4.17: Tokyo, Hakone, Osaka, Miyajima, Kyoto, Kanazawa, Takayama

Hi everyone, first time visiting Japan and will try to catch the tail end of the cherry blossom season if possible. Accommodations have already been booked but can be changed depending on recommendations. The day to day activities are still very much a work in progress and would appreciate any advice that you have.

There will be 4 of us initially with an additional 3 (total of 7) joining in for the Kyoto to end departure segment of the trip. We’re mostly focused on sightseeing (mix of nature and museums) and food with shopping being a lesser priority.

My only concerns so far are that it might be too crammed for the Osaka/Miyajima portion of the trip, but I’m not sure where I could peel a day off without losing a destination. I’m not too concerned about jetlag as the party of 4 will be in business class and should arrive well rested based on prior long haul flight experience.

3/31: Depart for Japan (Western US)

4/1: Tokyo (Arrive) – Arrive in evening (NRT), lodging is Conrad Tokyo, potentially visit Tokyo Skytree after dinner

4/2: Tokyo – Toyosu Fish Market, TeamLab Planets, Art Aquarium Museum, Imperial Palace (potentially book tour), Akihabara

4/3: Tokyo – DisneySea, Ginza

4/4: Hakone (Transit) – Ueno Park, Tokyo National Museum, Senso-ji, Depart for Hakone in afternoon, check in to Gora AirBnB

4/5: Hakone – Hakone Round Course

4/6: Osaka (Transit) – Depart Gora in morning, lodging is W Osaka, explore nightlife

4/7: Miyajima (Transit) – Depart Osaka, stop at Himeji Castle, view Hiroshima Peace Memorial, after dinner ferry to Miyajima, check in to Miyajima hotel

4/8: Kyoto (Transit) – Explore Miyajima Island, depart for Kyoto in the evening, check in to Kyoto hotel (located in Kawaramachi)

4/9: Kyoto – Gion (Yasaka Shrine & Kennin-ji Temple), Sanneizaka, Kiyomizu-dera, Tofuku-ji, Fushimi Inari Taisha, Daigo-ji (this may be too ambitious for the day)

4/10: Kyoto – Nara day trip, Nishiki Market

4/11: Kyoto – Gio-ji Moss Gardens, Arashiyama Bamboo Forest, Arashiyama Monkey Park (unsure if tourist trap), Kinkaku-ji (may cut as out of the way), Kyoto Imperial Palace

4/12: Kanazawa (Transit) – Depart Kyoto in the morning, 21st Century Museum of Art, Kenroko-En Garden, Omicho Market

4/13: Takayama (Transit) – Depart Kanazawa in the afternoon

4/14: Takayama – Takayama Spring Festival

4/15: Tokyo (Transit) – Depart Takayama in the morning, lodging is Kimpton Shinjuku, Shinjuku Golden Gai, Shibuya Crossing, Shibuya Sky

4/16: Tokyo – Ghibli Museum, Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden, Edo Tokyo Museum

4/17: Tokyo (Depart) – Yoyogi Park, Harajuku, depart in evening (HND)

Thanks for reading!

  1. Just chiming in to say my wife and I will be in Takayama for the festival as well! We’re going 4/5-4/19 focusing mostly on Tokyo and 3 days in Takayama. We did Disney Sea during our last trip in 2018 and it was a full day so not sure how much extra you’ll get in Gina’s afterward

  2. Thats a full booked trip! 4/7 and 4/9 are doable but I’m not sure if you can enjoy it to the fullest considering transit times between cities/sights. It depends a bit on your travel style 🙂 Hiroshima is a city you could easily spend a day on its own!

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