I recommend learning whole vocabulary words instead of trying to memorize all the readings without context.
I use a website called Nihongo Master, it shows both the On and Kun readings and also shows some examples of words that use the kanji. I find the interface a little confusing though, so I just google “*kanji* nihongo master” and click on the first result.
I like Kanshudo. They bundle up the readings, so you can see how useful each one is to learn. I usually only learn the most common 2 or 3 readings.
Example: [https://www.kanshudo.com/kanji/%E7%89%A9?section=readings&show=useful](https://www.kanshudo.com/kanji/%E7%89%A9)
**物 ブツ モツ もの thing**
**ブツ** : 20 words. Most useful:
**モツ** : 8 words. Most useful:
**ブツ** (read as ぶっ) : 8 words. Most useful:
**もの** : 27 words. Most useful:
Part of a non-standard reading: 1 word.
I recommend learning whole vocabulary words instead of trying to memorize all the readings without context.
I use a website called Nihongo Master, it shows both the On and Kun readings and also shows some examples of words that use the kanji. I find the interface a little confusing though, so I just google “*kanji* nihongo master” and click on the first result.
[Here’s an example](https://nihongomaster.com/japanese/dictionary/kanji/1528/%E7%94%9F)
Kanji damage is my go-to. The mnemonics it uses are often NSFW, but they do work!
Wani kani is what finally make the different readings click for me.
I use Renshuu, when you learn kanji it shows which readings for Onyomi and Kunyomi exist, as well as highlighting the most common one
Learn words, don’t learn Kanji/readings in isolation without context.