Supplement for Wanikani

I am using WaniKani right now to learn kanji and vocabulary and have noticed that there are quite a few words missing from the Wanikani vocabulary list that are missing, but Jisho says are common words. For example, I was on NHK Easy News and saw the verb, 去る, which isn’t in Wanikani.

Is there some additional resource that people use to further supplement their vocabulary, whether it is an anki deck with all the common words on Jisho, or some other online resource?

  1. Mine what you dont know with anki

    edit: thought I should add, there’s 21k common words in jisho, premade decks will lose value much earlier than that size

  2. If I remember correctly, WK roughly covers 2000 kanji and 6000 words. This may look impressive as a beginner, but it is actually not that much when you compare it to the complexity of native material. At the time I did WK, some super common words like 様子 were missing. In my opinion, WK is way too rigid and limited when you start immersing.

    Start your own Anki deck and add to it words you want to learn.

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