How many kanji do you have in your Anki? (2022)

So I asked the same question last year here

How many kanji do you have in Anki? from LearnJapanese

And so when I checked today, I found the number of kanji in my Anki has moved up to close to 4k… scary

I did read alot this year which I think explains it

How about you guys?

Edit: Format
Edit 2: Proof

  1. I have a plugin called Kanji Grid that tells me something about “how many” kanji I have in Anki

    Here are my grades 1-3 kanji, not perfect but not far from complete (though I know 量 and 柱, so this thing might be high or something)

    Here are my grade 4-6 kanji, not as good but still not hopeless looking:

    And here are the rest, Junior HS and HS, and beyond

    As you can see I have a lot more to do there.

    Overall it’s safe to say まだまだです

    EDIT: Notably, I can only write a handful of kanji, this is reading only!

  2. And here I am, self-impressed with my 2.5k lol.

    What kind of stuff do you read?

    I only got into high-volume reading in 2022, and most of my new kanji came from visual novels and web novels at the start of the year. At the start of December, I decided to not make any more cards for the two novels and six manga volumes I’ve read, since making my own cards takes too long. It’s sad I won’t see any more kanji stats being filled in on Anki, but the stories are more fun this way since I can just sit back and relax unless I go for something way above my level. I’m mostly comfortable with “slice of life”-esque stories, so as long as it’s not an isekai with archaic vocabulary, I can finally just sit back and enjoy a book as I would in English. I couldn’t quite manage that a year ago, so I’m kinda proud of that.

  3. Only 241, unfortunately. Work takes too much time and energy from me, so I progress really slow, but that’s better than nothing, I guess

  4. I got 3035 in my current kanji deck and about 100 more in a notepad which I will add to my deck when I feel like it lol.

    Do you add kyuujitai variants to your deck? like 国 and 國 or 痩 and 瘦?

  5. 2.8k kanji over around 11k words in anki. I add things like kanji names for animals instead of the katakana even if i don’t see it in that form though, so it’s a little inflated.

  6. I’ve been doing [this kanji kentei anki deck]( for the last year and a half, although after getting through all jouyou kanji (6~7 months of 10 new kanji a day) my pace for new kanji card added to the pile has lowered. Right now I’m at 3345, although there’s a few more kanji I learned with words here and there that don’t reflect in the deck itself. I’d say with an approximate guess I’m at around 3400-3500 maybe.

  7. I organise [my grid]( by kanken level. With ~10.000 cards, I’m at 2363 kanji total when I take away the 25 I have cards for but haven’t studied yet. I need about 220 more jouyou kanji to have all of them.

    I’d probably have a higher total number if I focused more on reading over video games and manga (which I don’t mine from) as my main source of input. I have more free time, so hopefully I’ll be able to read more books / VNs in the new year and get pass 3000 kanji by next year.

  8. I would estimate that I have around 6000 cards in mine. All are kanji but some have compounds or are part of a phrase.

  9. 1420, nice! went much further than last time this year, i think on my first attempt to learn japanese i stopped at 400-500 mark

  10. I have 2678 Kanji across 6817 cards(all vocab) but I’m also very trigger happy with the delete button and have probably deleted at least 2k+ cards over my time using anki.

    That number is rapidly rising though as I’m currently reading Muramasa and Dies Irae and I’d be surprised if I’m not close to or over 3k by the time I’m done with both of them.

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