Annoying insects problem

So, I arrived here in Tokyo this March and have been living with 4 other people in the shared house. Then, after entering summer there are these small tiny insects ( smaller than a wire screen ) flying everywhere. Mostly near the trash bin, near the sink and in the toilet. We did take the trash out regularly and tried our best to mitigate the problem but it’s just not working. Any suggestions for pest control?

  1. Pouring boiling water down all of the drains periodically should kill any eggs etc (if that’s where they are emanating from).

  2. I haven’t had a lot of success with chemicals or agents.

    I have had a lot of success with cleaning. Get your environment sterile and within one generations (1/2weeks?) they’ll be gone. Depending where you live it might be difficult or impossible, but in my experience it’s the only thing that really works.

  3. What I’ve done to practically eliminate them is, place a cheap bowl over the drains. This stops them from coming in from the drain.
    Place the burnable trash outside the front door. Keeps them outside mostly.

  4. One trick I’ve learnt since coming here is to keep food related waste in freezer until garbage day instead of putting it directly in the bin.

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