Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (July 15, 2022)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. I often want to say “take your time” when giving tasks and assignments, and I’ve said something like ゆっくりでいいです but I’m kind of worried I’m translating too directly from my English thinking style. Is there a more native way to express it? Is it just something not really used as often in Japanese? Or am I overthinking things as usual?

  2. 私の求めているものに比べれば金銀も美女もつまらない物だということです

    “If compared to the thing I am pursing (愛), gold, silver, and beautiful woman are trivial.”

    Could some please help me understand という within this sentence, I cant understand the difference between “つまらない物だということです” and “つまらない物です”

  3. Anyone else struggle with motivation after getting to the point where daily life and conversation with friends is generally smooth? I know I should be reading and consuming Japanese media to make my Japanese go from merely “functional in any normal situation” to “smooth and articulate” but I seriously just can’t be arsed. I also don’t have the usual anime / manga / games / Japanese lit. motivators that I think a lot of people here have despite on and off attempts to get into them for more Japanese exposure.

    Not a question but more of a self-deprecating rant I suppose

  4. Hi, recent self learner here. I’ve decided to get WaniKani, is it worth getting Genki too?

  5. For the following sentence, how come て form is used to connect the “establishing the committee” and “uncovering the accident” clauses? Wouldn’t using ように or という be a better way to connect the 2 clauses?


  6. Hey one big question i have is:

    How do I determine what pitch accent to use when im given 2 types of accent for that word? i.e with 多い「おおい」it has the accents H-L-L and L-H-L.

    Thanks in advance.

    Edit: Thanks to everyone commenting so far I seriously have been stuck on this for at least a year 😀

  7. Hi. I’m using kanji study app with ankidroid. How can I search only common words excluding n5 to n1 which is like 15k words? When exporting words into anki app, is it also possible to add “usually kana only” vocabularies as kanas? Like for example when I add meter, as メートル not rice kanji.

  8. Remote で話せたら今日はfeel good
    Remote で笑えたら今日はそれでgood

    Lyrics to the song midnight call by zettakun and kojikoji. I cant for the life of me figure out what the “remote” means here. Can anyone help

  9. Kindly correct.

    重要な書類は防水封筒にしまわれないといけません。 “*Important documents must be kept in waterproof envelopes.*”

    I wanna know if しまう can be used this way and if に is enough rather than writing のなかに in this sentence.

  10. What is the definition of Orosu おろす or Oroshi おろし, and is it related to, or a synonym of, Sageru さげる? ありがとうございます。

  11. From Kiki’s delivery service: せめてコスモス色ならいいのにね…
    (Kiki says that while her mom has her put on a dark colored dress.)

    I know the words and I feel I should know the grammar, but I don’t understand how it fits together.

    I can guess based on context and the vocab I recognize but that’s it. Something like “At least the cosmos has nice colors”? “At least it’s the color of the cosmos”?

  12. I’ve been struggling with these sentences from Snow White:

    「誰も家に入れちゃいけないよ」(I think it means something like “don’t let anyone into the house” but the grammar is confusing me)

    In this one I don’t understand what ずみで is doing:

    Can anyone help? Sorry that it’s so many questions at once

  13. Hi! So today I was learning some words related to volunteer work. The characters are looking for someone to be an あんない. Now when I look for translations, it says [guide], but in previous chapters, about going on tours, they used the word ガイド sooo… Is it the same concept or do あんない do something different? Thanks!

  14. What nuance does adding は to the end of まで and に give to the word, and on a scale of 1-10, to what degree does the nuance change. (0 = no difference in nuance 10 = completely different nuance

    1.) 一般的に vs 一般的には

    2.) そこまで vs そこまでは

    > そのうえで、安倍元総理が亡くなるまでの経過について、「蘇生処置に反応せず、治療を続けても回復の見込みがないと思われる場合、どこかの時点で治療を中止する決断をしなければならない。**[一般的には]**蘇生の限界点が来ているという医学的な判断をしたうえで、家族の理解を得て治療を中止する。今回は、病院に家族が来ると聞いていたので、**[そこまでは]**治療を続けようという方針だった。家族が到着し、私から説明をして理解していただいたうえで、中止の決定をした」として、受け入れから4時間半余りがたった午後5時3分に治療の中止を決めたと説明しました。

    I have spent many hours in Japanese and I consciously know there is supposed to be a nuance there, but as usual, It is imperceptible to my brain.

    Could you remove the は and still have a perfectly natural sentence?

  15. In the beginning of each episode of “Komi Can’t Communicate” there is this sentence that I can’t figure out.


    または その症状を持つ人をさす

    The first one I understand fine. “Komishou is a condition where it’s difficult to socialize with people.”

    But the second one, I am still clueless, and subtitles are not helping at all. I don’t understand which meaning of “sasu” is used here.

  16. on google ime how does one type the thing for pronouncing a certain character longer.

  17. When 衣 is used alone or as a sort of suffix meaning “clothing/garment”, how is it supposed to be pronounced? Is it ころも, きぬ or something else? I’m guessing it’s an uncommon use since I’m having trouble finding information about it in the usual dictionaries.

    E.g. 木綿衣= cotton garment

  18. so far I’ve heard of two ways to say “leaf” in Japanese.



    is there a difference in usage? are they interchangeable/is one more commonly used than the other?

  19. Very beginning Japanese so sorry if a dumb question, but I’m translating a game menu for fun and I keep seeing “(a number) つの” I was wondering what that meant. Googles not been helpful but when I searched it I saw a lot of examples so I’m guessing it’s a thing?

  20. “何事にもおいても健康が1番大切ですね。”

    I’m not sure what おいても means in this context. I roughly understand this sentence as “Nothing is more important than one’s health” but I’m not sure if that’s totally accurate. Can anyone explain?

  21. Is there some kind of pattern for whether a plural loan word uses ス or ズ? Or is it just case by case?

  22. I’m just starting out. I’m able to read the kana slowly and I’m looking for some type of reader app to practice reading more than individual characters. I don’t even care about translation at this point, I just want to be able to sound out text more quickly.

    Satori reader is almost exactly what I want, but the slowest it goes is .8x speed which is still too fast for me. Is there anything similar with slower speeds?

  23. In the manga よふかしのうた、I encountered the sentence 「大丈夫、起きた時にはそらもうすっかりしているからさ」。The thing is, I think I understand all of the parts of this sentence individually, I don’t understand what そらもうすっかりしている is supposed to mean, and dictionaries and DeepL haven’t helped

  24. I’ve really enjoyed Wanikani. It’s got its faults, but one thing I like about the system more than other apps that I use is it keeps me honest.

    If I am trying to recall a pronunciation and I give a ちゅう instead of a ちよう, if I’m just studying anki then I might give myself a pass. But honestly having a hardline “no you’ve got to get it RIGHT not CLOSE” mentality is very constructive for me since I’m not in a formal class but learning on my own.

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