Itinerary Check – April 17-May 5

Please advise! Traveling solo for this trip. First time in Japan. Planning to get the JR Pass for the first 14 days but a bit nervous about the bus portions of my trip. Thanks for any tips!

April 17: fly in to Tokyo Haneda

April 17-19: Mt Fuji, Lake Kawaguchiko
Plan: Momiiji Corridor on first night, Shibazakuta Flower Festival on 18th
– Odakyu Hotel de Yama – sunset
** Maybe Chureito Pagoda?

April 19-21: Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima
Plan: Staying in a Ryokan, relax/bath
**Want to see:
– Nicchusen Weeping Cherry Trees
– Hanamiyama Park
– Hachiman (if it’s not too far)

April 21: Kamakura
Plan: Explore town
**Maybe see Yokohama on the way down??
((Leave Early for Hakone))

April 22-24: Hakone
Plan: Explore town and lake, see Hakone Shrine at sunrise/sunset, enjoy hotel
((Leave Early for Kyoto))

April 24-28: Kyoto (hotel has baths!)
Day 1: Walk around town via Kyoto Trail, see temples
Kiyomizu Temple, Eat Burnt Miso Ramen @ Kyoto Gogyo
Day 2: train to Arashiyama, leave as early as possible. Free time after to explore or bath?
Day 3: train to Lake Biwa for floating shrine?
Day 4: Explore then leave for Nara?
**Maybe combine these and go to Biwa before heading to Nara?

April 28-29: Nara!
Plans: wake up early and walk the park at sunrise.
– Snuggle deer.

29-1: Osaka
Plans: Eat. Explore. Eat more.
– Dotonbori
– Osaka Castle
– Super Nintendo land?? Aquarium?

1-5: Tokyo, staying in Ginza @ MUJI
Plans: Den en-Chofu, Meguro River, Shibuya, Nerima, (TeamLab?), Vampire Cafe, Tokyo Metropolitan Gov Building, Memory Lane – Shinjuku, Tokyo Plaza Harajuku, Miyashita Park – Shibuya Yokocho

May 5th: Fly out, Haneda, 5pm

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