Working in IT with no degree and close to no japanese with a WHV?

Hi! So I’ve been searching a lot (A LOT) of threads already on this topic, but I wanted to get a perspective post-pandemic if possible.

Long story short I’m reaching my max age to go for working holiday (turning 29 on June) so I’ve been thinking of my options. I know getting a residence depends mostly on having a degree or 10 years of experience in your field (or marrying someone). I don’t have a degree, I work in IT as a Product Owner (and as such there isn’t one), so I know I’m screwed on that side of things. I also won’t plan my future based on marrying someone haha.

SO anyway, now that PR is almost out of the question: is it possible to get a job in IT with a WHV as a 28 years old dude with very good english, close to no japanese (although I will start studying) and tattoos on his arms? Because my main concern is going there with WHV and having to come back way earlier than expected because I can’t find a job.

Thank you and happy new year.

  1. Not likely. I would plan on doing only a year and understand that the year you spend here (Japan) will be a gap in your career which could probabky be better spent getting a degree and attending a language program.

  2. I’ve met people who don’t really speak Japanese working in tech jobs whose working environment is in English. I think you’ll be able to find an IT job on a WHV, as long as you have skills that can be generalized to a variety of roles and not, like, only one super specific thing. You can also get one of the more general (but not well-paid) non-IT jobs (like cleaning, hospitality, factory work, or English teaching), though these are less likely to lead to a work visa. Worse comes to worst, you’ll have a year abroad, yeah?

    Check online job boards and communities before you go to get a sense of what’s available and where to apply once you’re approved to work.

    I parlayed my 10 years of experience doing freelance and hobby translations since I was a teenager into the 10 years of required experience to get a work visa at 27. I don’t have a degree.

    As for the tattoos, I’d recommend wearing a long-sleeved shirt around your colleagues and not letting them find out, just in case of any weirdness.

    And definitely start studying Japanese ASAP. Life will be so, so much easier for you (and the people around you) if you can at least read hiragana and katakana and know basic grammar and vocab that you can build upon once you arrive.

  3. Can you code? There’s apparently lots of SWE roles that don’t require Japanese, but you would need a fair amount of experience, I believe. I would hit up some recruiters.

  4. no japanese + no degree + tattoos maybe you can do some freelance work

    but most doors will be closed if you want to stay

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