Unification Church ties to lawmakers emerges as major political issue in Japan

Unification Church ties to lawmakers emerges as major political issue in Japan


  1. The Unification Church has encroached on Japanese politics since the time of Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi, and the influence of the Unification Church has been passed down and strengthened for three generations through hereditary succession to Shinzo Abe. Therefore, not only is the principle of separation of church and state not observed in Japan. The ruling party is composed of one political party and two religions: the Liberal Democratic Party, the Unification Church, and the Soka Gakkai. The Japanese economy has been in decline for more than 30 years since the separation of church and state was abolished.

  2. If this is really an issue that is important to Japanese people (which it seems to be), think about what it says about the political system and the media that it only comes to the forefront after the issue triggers a political assassination. The message this sends to people with grievances is terrible.

  3. **Close ties to ANY religion should be disqualifying for any politicians, anywhere.**

    Fantasy-time needs to end. The world needs people who see reality.

  4. Well, it does look like the shooter’s intentions have succeeded. He’s started a conversation that he wanted. Probably also wanted the money back though.

  5. I’m really surprised how much info is coming out. It’s good they’re making it public, but I thought it would be swept under the rug a lot more.

  6. Considering that the election just happened this kind of doesn’t mean much. I get the whole not letting the terrorist win narrative but my sense is this will largely be forgotten by the next election cycle.

  7. We are all being deceived by religious cults, worldwide, and they are all helping each other steal from the average citizen.

  8. If I understand correctly,. Unification made big donations to Abe’s campaigns. Thus the rage. I did not grok this until last night.

  9. The man who took out abe has successfully raised awareness of this problem

    I wonder how history will treat Tetsuya in years to come

  10. What was left of Japan’s western glory will die along with the church if the leadership succumbs to this terrorist threat

  11. I knew it.
    About 20 years ago, a Japanese family requested they need help from Japanese politicians because cultists bullied them again and again.
    But some politicians of Japan told that the nation has freedom of religion, on top of that, it was the result of their choice, so they don’t have to help those citizens at the time.
    Back then, politicians in the LDP might’ve gotten big bucks from those wicked religious foundations, so they couldn’t have rescued those poor families.

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