How much do you guys study per day? And how long did it take to understand N4 level stuff?

I am new to Japanese and usually study for like an hour and a half obtaining some vocab and getting acquainted with the grammar, then watch an episode or 2 (or 3 or 4 or 5) to try and find sentences I understand. I sometimes see some people that have been studying for like 6 months (I started in August) that can already understand lots of stuff and I wonder what their study routine looks like, so getting some ideas from you guys would help a lot. Also I’m a relatively busy high school student who has lots of music stuff to focus on as well so I won’t be able to study 6 hours a day.

1 comment
  1. For the past 3 months I spend 1-2 hours a day, if I have nothing to do I spend up to 6 hours… I’m starting to catch some anime conversations I struggle without Japanese subtitles though.

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