dakuten and handakuten on kana input pc

Hello, I know that more people even in japan uses romaji input on pc keyboard, but i have japanese keyboard with hiragana legend on the keys and I want to give it a try to learn to type Japanese this, I feel like it is fun like people learning alternative English layouts. But anyway my question is how to type dakuten and handakuten on it? On 12button phone keyboard there is 小 key that does few things, but there is no such key on pc keyboard.

  1. I don’t know any Japanese who use this method and I have lived and worked with Japanese people for 15 years.

  2. If you also use a mac, dakuten is beside せ (right side) and handakuten is beside delete (left side)

  3. The only Japanese people who use this method have already retired.

    Just… don’t.

    Using romaji/English requires more skill anyhow and is more useful on your resume should you need a job in Japan.

  4. OP didn’t ask for your opinion on them using kana input. they clearly said they know it’s not really used and they’re just doing it for fun. why does everything have to be about practicality? let them do what they want.

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