Voltage convertor in japan

Hi all, I’m preparing for my trip to Japan from the UK and I read that I may need a voltage convertor? Not had to use one before so I was wondering if anyone could offer some advice?

Unrelated advice would be welcome too!

  1. First check the devices you want to bring, most battery chargers are 100-240v and would not require a converter. If you have some 220-240v only devices, you would need a converter, but they can be bulky and expensive, I would just try to avoid bringing such devices if you can.

  2. Is this for a holiday or moving to Japan? If it’s just a holiday then most small appliances (phone, camera,tablet) will be fine with a travel adaptor plug, should say on website/packet if it’s the right plug for Japan. I’d recommend getting one with a few usb slots so you can charge a couple of things from one plug. Have been to Japan twice now and a lot of the hotels actually had usb slots on the wall/desk but Ryokan tended to just be a normal socket.

  3. Japan plugs resemble US plugs, at least the two prong kind. Coming from the UK, your devices will need at least physical plug converters to actually connect to the socket. If your devices say they are universal (100-240 V, 50-60 Hz) then that’s all you’ll need; otherwise, you’ll need to find actual voltage converters. I thought Japan is generally 100 V 60 Hz but my quick search says some parts are 50 Hz so you may want to check with where you are going.

    Most reasonably portable things (laptops, USB wall warts, etc) are universal and of course you can buy USB wall warts there too. But be mindful of higher powered things like hair dryers.

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