Qualifications needed for JET?

hi everyone. I’m currently in my last year of high school and have been wanting to be a JET for sometime now. unfortunately i’ve just came to the realization that i need a bachelors degree to apply for JET. i took applied classes all of high school (for those of you who don’t know it’s where you go to college rather than university) and from my understanding i can’t get a bachelors degree without going to university.

is there any other way i can apply for JET? or is the only way to apply for JET and to get a work visa through a Bachelors degree.

if you have any questions about anything or something you can share that would be great.

  1. The bachelors degree is a hard requirement from immigration for the work visa. It’s not exclusive to JET, most jobs will require you to have one.

    If you want to go to Japan without a degree, your best bet would be through a language school or working holiday visa (if your country issues them).

  2. It’s not a jet requirement. It’s an immigration requirement for the work visa.

  3. Mostly just echoing what’s already been said, but unfortunately it is a hard requirement. The reason it’s one of the few hard requirements (for example Japanese ability and teaching experience are far more flexible) is indeed because it’s needed for the work visa and not something JET themselves are requesting. It’s for immigration purposes.

  4. I think just a Bachelor’s, a clean fbi background check, and required medical forms.

  5. I feel bad for people like OP who come here to ask a legit question, then get downvoted for doing it. Here’s an idea. Why don’t you answer the fucking question rather than downvoting it so it gets hidden. Here’s an example.

    “So can I apply for JET with a working holiday visa?”

    “No dude, you need a legit university degree to apply.”

    See how easy that shit is? Answer the question without using the stick up your ass to bang out a downvote. I hate this cesspool site, but unfortunately it’s the only way some people have to get specific questions answered.

    Stop the fucking downvoting unless the post is explicitly offensive, unhelpful or just plain trolling. Not everybody has the amazing insights you do or the years of golden experiences that you do or the insanely unique intelligence that you do. Stop downvoting people for asking sincere questions. OP gets 12 fucking downvotes for asking if he can use a working holiday visa. How comfortable do you think the next guy is going to be when he has a question or concern? How many JET hopefuls are going to miss out on valuable insights because this dump is teeming with lowkey abuse?

  6. JET definitely requires a bachelors degree. But if you’re dead set on coming either way, if you can get a working holiday visa there will be English teaching companies that will hire you.

    Its almost a guarantee though that you will be overworked and make a fraction of what JET pays, unfortunately.

  7. ~~I’m not quite sure I’m following any of this. Is it like dual enrollment? What exactly are you given at the end of your current studies? An associates degree, a plain high school degree, some sort of glorified high school degree, or just a high school but with college credit under your plan? Also, what would be your plan aside from JET – to cruise through life with whatever sort of qualification you’re given. I know university isn’t for anyone, but at least some post-secondary education may be useful in this day and age.~~

    ~~I think, depending where you come from, you’re possibly misunderstanding the difference between colleges and universities. My understanding (from a US perspective) is that “colleges” are institutions that award only undergraduate degrees, and “universities” offer both undergraduate and graduate degrees. Universities also focus more on producing research in addition to academics, whereas a college is more academic only. In that respect, both colleges and universities offer Bachelors degrees in the US, there really isn’t a distinction at that level (in other countries though there is). You can absolutely get a Bachelors degree awarded from a college.~~

    ~~My suspicion is that when you graduate you’ll have your high school degree plus college credit under your belt. You can then transfer that credit to a college/university where you can subsequently complete a Bachelors in about half the time. But I only say this because I took a bunch of AP and dual enrollment classes in high school, and if I really wanted to I could have graduated with a Bachelors degree in two years.~~

    Edit: Nevermind, looks like someone pointed out OP is Canadian, which makes more sense and is why I was confused since I though it was more of a dual enrollment situation. Sorry for assuming OP was American (I know, JET is international but they didn’t specify) and please don’t listen to me!

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