Is there somewhere online I can read manga in Japanese?

As simple as it sounds, I’ve searched everywhere on the internet for raw, Japanese manga but cannot find a single site for it. I’m not looking for beginner mangas or something specific, just your regular manga website for any shonen, romance, sci fi… but in Japanese. Either I’m terrible at looking in the internet or its very hard. Any help would do.

  1. this site has most popular manga, but some might not be one it. Im not really good enough at Japanese to use this as a resource yet so i haven’t tested it much

  2. On shonenjumpplus you can read all their latest chapters and the first few of their series for free. Other sites with great freebies are bookwalker, sokuyomi and honto. If you want to purchase bookwalker accepts PayPal.

  3. My brother in Christ just google
    You will find there a lot of free manga to read popular and less popular ones one

  4. I just know the most underrated website: [](

    They have their manga available in English and Japanese with the click of one button. And more, you can use Yomichan on it. I really love this website.

    Also this one, it’s same idea, never used but is in my favorites. Their website is no longer avaiable, but using way back machine you can access.

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