Happy New Year everyone. I started mine with having 6 police officers called on me. (Long)

Happy new year everyone. I hope your new year started off better than mine. My crazy neighbor called the cops on me again on Jan 1st and 6 policemen showed up.

This is an update post since my last post on Aug of 2022. TLDR; from that post, our neighbor showed up at our door and was banging our door and screaming, then called the cops on us.

Since then, things haven’t gotten better, he continues to bang on his side of the wall and screams. He would harass my wife if he sees us entering and exiting our house. (He doesn’t dare speak to me because I am taller than him and pretty much gives him the death stare.) He even came over one time at 2 am and banged at our door and screamed, but left before I could open the door for him to “talk” to him. We were sleeping and no one was making any noise.

So here is what happened yesterday. At 4:30pm I wanted to put up a calendar for 2023. So I hammered a nail into my wall. He starts banging and screaming on his side of the wall. I’ve had enough, so I go over to his house and confront him. I told him, I am just hanging a Calendar, I told him it’s not even 5pm yet and it’s still early. I brought over my calendar to show him what I was doing. He pretend like he didn’t understand, so I pulled out my phone and started using google translate. He told me to wait (in English surprisingly) and called the cops. At first the cops seem like they didn’t want to come over, but he made up some bullcrap about how I am threatening him or something. He then asked me to wait. (Which I did outside his house.) 6 policeman showed up. Quickly 3 of them went to him and 3 to me. At this point my wife has gotten dressed and came downstairs to talk to the police as well.

The Police wasn’t that helpful especially the older shorter one. He kept assuming a bunch of stuff without even asking us what happened. He asked for my wife and mine residential card. At one point he even asked for my job occupation since he noticed my broken Japanese. My wife really stepped up here, she didn’t take crap from the police. The old police officer said something like:

“Hanging something can be really loud so you shouldn’t do it, if you must, you should do it on the other side.” My wife then went full on savage mode and said. “It’s 4:50pm, it’s not even that late yet.” (the police looks at his watch and moves on.)

”Your husband looks big and can be really scary to some people.” “What about him coming to over at our house at 2 am in the morning and banging at our door and screaming. He is the one scaring us in the middle of the night.”

“Yeaa, this situation could be a lot of trouble for your Landlord…..” “We owned the house, we have it fully paid off, cash.”

The police asked me, “did you guys get into a fist fight?” I replied “Does it look like we got into a fist fight?” while holding up my calendar.

So yea, the younger police man came over and he was much nicer. Basically nothing happened again. I apologize to the police for wasting their time, and asked them what to so if HE bangs on our door again. The Police said just to call them if he does.

So now I look forward to him even trying to bang on our door. However, I haven’t heard a peep from him since yesterday. Let’s all waste the policemen time, together. Happy new year.


\*\*\* Just to clarify, we live in a detached house.

  1. > * Just to clarify, we live in a detached house.

    this is the biggest WTF here, how could your “neighbor” even hear you nailing down a calendar??? and even if they did, .. never mind, i can’t even.

  2. > we live in a detached house.

    This story was already absurd, this at the end made my jaw drop! I’d been assuming this was an apartment you owned or semi-detached.

    Glad you and your wife stood your ground but this guy sounds like a proper psycho. Stay safe OP!

  3. That’s crazy… doing all of tgat WHILE living in a detached house?? Sounds like a crazy guy who can do something similar to the poor family who were murdered in Saitama…
    Man, be careful and take precautions.

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