PSA HelloFresh is Seemingly Pulling Out of Japan

Got sick of eating out all the time, so was going to sign up and noticed that is says that they are no longer accepting applications. Did a little bit of searching and came across this:

[HelloFresh silently retreats from Japan – RetailDetail EU](

Posting in case anyone comes across older posts recommending them.

I know there are other services like OISIX, but their prices look way higher than HelloFresh’s.

Always open to hearing the latest recommendations out there for Meal Kit type services for those who hate shopping for food 😛

  1. Was patiently waiting for them to deliver to my area…. guess that will not happen now, sigh.

  2. I never understood why people use this, instead of just buying the ingredients in the supermarket. You have to cook yourself anyway, so you’re just saving the delivery. But you still have to go to the supermarket to buy other stuff anyway.

  3. > Disgruntled employees complained that the Japanese team was only notified on 20 December that they would lose their jobs on 31 December, without respecting the legal 30-day notice period. In the letter, the CEO also stressed that there was no intention to notify the press in advance. The listed company clearly hoped to keep the termination quiet for as long as possible.

    How do you expect any kind of success expanding to a country if you can’t even do enough research to know basic labor laws like this? No wonder they failed lol

  4. I imagine that some of it has to do with JA. Unlike in other countries where there is more or less a free market regarding produce, it seems like almost everything here gets directed through JA, which fixes the prices and probably removes a lot of the chances for making a profit for a business like HelloFresh.

  5. Coop’s meal kits are pretty good bang for the buck, and they rotate the offerings regularly. But they don’t often offer a large variety all at the same time.

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