Having to Submit a Zairyu Card at a Hotel

I went with my girlfriend to an onsen hotel last night. When we checked in, the woman at the counter asked me to submit my zairyu card to take a copy. I pulled out my driver’s license and put that down on the table. The lady behind the desk was obstinate and kept asking for my zairyu card. My girlfriend, who is Japanese, nagged me to just turn over my card. I didn’t really want to, and from what I understand hotels’ can’t compel someone to make a copy of their card. If they really need an ID a driver’s license is a perfectly fine ID from the police, but no they saw I was a foreigner, profiled me, and demanded a card.

Today at check out I mentioned that I can’t be forced to hand over my zairyu card to the guy at the front desk. He went into the back office and pulled out a copy of some random white lady’s zairyu card with a police officer’s business card. Apparently the local police had an incident with her, and they’ve instructed all the hotels in the area to keep a record of all the foreigners who stay at their hotel. He even showed me the log book with people’s zairyu card and passport copies.

I kind of get that if the police are investigating a case they need any lead that might help them, but the person they were looking for isn’t even the same gender as me. This really upset me, and even more upset by how my girlfriend just can’t seem to understand why I’m upset. There’s not really anything I can do, and this isn’t the first time I’ve been profiled in Japan, but I’m angry and just needed to vent with someone who has shared a similar expirience.

Has anyone else been profiled in Japan?

  1. The cops in Japan massively exceed their authority. My Japanese manager was busted for drink driving and the cops came to the company to tell the President about it and subsequently the manager got demoted and lost his bonus. The guy didn’t even use his car for driving to work. Under what law or by what right do the cops have to arbitrarily cause him more reputational and financial damage above and beyond the prosecution and fine? None at all but if you ask around, you’ll find this is just about standard practice for when people commit any offence. What if the manager had’ve been fired? Cops don’t have any idea of the potential fallout of their actions and they don’t seem to care. The wife told me that Japan is actually like an open prison. It’s just that most foreigners don’t realise it. A business friend of mine with operations in both China and Japan flat out told me that he sees little difference between the CCP and the LDP. It was sobering to consider.

  2. Its required, calm down Karen. It’s only profiling if they demand a passport. Even japanese people are required or at least asked.

    If this is the hill you choose to die on, Japan isn’t the place for you friend.

  3. For future reference, next time just say that you don’t have it on you and offer your drivers license instead.

    As for your girlfriend, obviously now you know which team she will be on when the shit hits the fan. For me that would be a dealbreaker personally.

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