Looking for Audio Japanese Lessons

Hello! I just finished NHK world’s Easy Japanese course ([https://www.nhk.or.jp/lesson/english/](https://www.nhk.or.jp/lesson/english/)) and I’m looking for a new audio lesson. I listen to a playlist I’ve made about 6 hours everyday. It’s comprised of vocabulary (a phrase in JP, and again in ENG), comprehension (audiobook), and these lessons for grammar. I’m looking for a comparable next step now that I’ve finished these. I’ve listened to each lesson about 2-3 times each day, for about 5 days each. Not to mention the other times they’ve just been on. Thanks in advance.

1 comment
  1. Sounds like you might like JapanesePod101 (the website, not those weird YouTube videos they put out for promotional purposes). It is a series of podcast-style audio lessons, with a dialogue first, followed by the hosts discussing the vocab and grammar from that dialogue. As the series progresses, they reduce the amount of English and mostly use Japanese towards the end. I enjoyed using it, but I would not pay for one of the expensive subscriptions. Just do the trial and if you like it, get the cheap basic subscription.

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