New Year New Me (Healthy-eating suggestions)

Decided to hit the gym again and just wondering what people use down here to supplement their workouts. What are some of your go-to meals or foods that help you achieve a greek god physique?

(Preferably easy to make meals since my time can be pretty limited these days)

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out here!

  1. I fell off the gym wagon in the last few months, but getting back into it myself. Here’s some of my go-tos. Caveat: I’m a petite woman (162 cm, 58 kg), so what works for me might not work for everyone.

    Honestly, a lot of what you’ll find on workout/diet subs will apply here. It’s a lot easier to get certain ingredients here now vs. pre-2020.

    Greek yogurt. You can find it WAY more easily now than you could five years ago. Hell, even in the last year or so, there are now Japanese brands of tubs (instead of single serve) in regular markets. No more Costco visits necessary.

    Lentils. Super high in protein and fiber. Just good for you all around. Lots of great ways to use them. I make a copycat salad of this salad I used to get in LA when my office ordered lunch for us with spiced lentils, chicken breast, baby leaf and a creamy balsamic dressing (but I use greek yogurt instead of cream to make mine — so more protein). Easy to prep for the week.

    Obviously chicken breast and nice fatty fish (ie salmon) is super versatile and easy to get. Baked/grilled or poached is best. Fish oven is your best friend for fish. Chicken breast is super easy to prep for the week.

    No white rice. I only eat it the rare times when we go for sushi. Brown rice. You can get nice organic brown rice from farms in Shizuoka et al online. (I get mine from my organic produce box.)

    Poached eggs and soft boiled (ie jammy yolk) eggs are great. Some people can’t eat eggs for cholesterol reasons — but if you can, they’re good to throw on a brown rice/veggie bowl or snack on. I put everything seasoning on soft boiled eggs. Make a batch for 3-4 days and throw them in the fridge. (Rice bowls are just me emptying out my veg drawer, making an herby sauce and cooking everything together.)

    I’d always have a DHC protein shake with almond milk for breakfast if I wasn’t eating yogurt — or I’d use them as snacks on high-exercise days. Probably not the greatest, but they’re on Amazon Toku Flights and taste pretty good (except the banana ones, which are rank).

    Avoid sugary drinks, sugary sauces (in lots of Japanese food, sadly) and empty carbs.

    Yoshinoya used to have these amazing protein bowls with veggies, egg, beans etc. But they’re gone 🙁

  2. Boiled chicken and broccoli. Not exciting… at all… but easy and healthy.
    Nama ham wrapped in mini cheese and some pickles, again, nothing exiting but easy to prepare.
    Poke is good too!

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