using anki and what it did to me

Am a complete begginer. Some might say a complete noob.

#What I did

Since last week I’ve been doing core 2k/6k on anki and so far haven’t missed a single day, *because I made anki startup automatically.*

#What it did to me

Let’s just say that *I’m now scared of touching my pc* 👍

  1. I also am afraid of Anki and those reviews. I did 300 my first day of Anki, nowdays I literally have more than 4K words on due and more than 24h of review to do, it’s LITERALLY impossible.

  2. I have not missed a single day of Anki in forever and I actually think the fact that it keeps you consistent is one of its major benefits. I *really* don’t want to fall behind on my reviews and have to painfully catch up, so I do it either immediately in the morning or on my phone throughout the day. This way, even on busy days, I do at least some studying every single day.

  3. Solely grinding vocab without studying grammar isn’t a good idea. Focusing on sentence structure, particle usage, conjugation, etc. are massively important as well.

    If you don’t have a understanding of how to parse words, it’ll be difficult to even put the vocab you’ve used into practice. Understand the grammar, grind anki for a while, not the full 2k, and learn the rest with manga,anime, tv, etc.

    Personally I use Tofugu, Bunpro, Imabi, Wasabi JP as my sources for grammar and if you don’t like any of these, you should find one that does resonate with you. I personally use bunpro, it’s free the first month then 5$ afterwards, but it’s worth it IMO. Along with that check out [Cure dolly]( She is an excellent teacher that I highly recommend for general Japanese understanding.

  4. I too have developed a severe case of anki phobia. If you keep this up, this disease will worsen and take over what’s left of your life.

    Unfortunately, if you ever reach the final stage of this disease, you will suffer from a devastating blight. No one can escape from this inevitable hell.

    Yes. This devastating blight that will cripple your life is known by many as: 日本語上手

  5. I had this too. Don’t worry. If you can force yourself to put a couple hours just watching tutorials and playing around with a separate profile you’ll get better.

    Yesterday, January 1st I dove in (studying Japanese is my New Year’s resolution) and took a huge leap in my Anki understanding.

  6. I had this feeling when I started.

    What I think I should have done is :

    * Less words per day. Some argue that you should start with like 20 cards a day, and lower to 10 when reviews stack up, I’d say the opposite : start low, and increase later. When you start, your brain isn’t wired in japanese, so each new card is difficult to learn, and retention isn’t at the level of someone with 5000 learned cards.
    * Mindset : you could view Anki as collecting TCG cards or else. Each card is a new skill.
    * Mindset 2 : know it will be easier with time

    I’m glad I fought through the first hard cards, because I really don’t know how I could have reached the level I’m at if it wasn’t for anki.

  7. That’s an interesting point you brought up here.. I also was trying to be consistent with the core 2k deck last year and had like 2 month streak (yes, not really that much, but still ok) and the day it broke was literally the last day of the year xd

    For me at that point it was already just a game, I didn’t do it as much for learning, as for continuing the streak.. And that’s pretty messed up I have to say, because now I do it when I feel like doing it, and I feel that the stuff actually sticks with me much better and I press “again” button much less.. It might be several days in a row, or like once a few days, maybe once a week, but this way I really feel that the time I invest in pays off.

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