Looking for Japanese video content with subtitles and preferably english repititions of what is being said

I am trying to learn a little bit of Japanese passively by consuming a large amount of content. Please don’t call me out on this being a stupid idea as I am totally aware of the fact that this is not even close to what is necessary to learn the language. My goal is to understand a few keywords and phrases and at the same time learn about the country and its culture. I tried to sit down and learn to speak and read the language multiple times, but always gave up on it. As long as I’m not moving to Japan or find japanese friends my motivation is will not be strong enough to do it. But as I watch a lot of content online I thought it would be nice to get more Japanese input. Ideally, I would like to watch more content like this:


I am not specifically looking for more car related content, but for videos with a similar style. Albo speaks a lot of Japanese in his videos but often explains what he was talking about afterwards. He also shows Japanese culture and interviews people, which I really like. YouTube does not really recommend me such content and I dont know where else to look for it. Any Ideas are Welcome 🙂

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