Met Chris Bey at FSW last night I know i embarressed myself cause i was stuttering HARD

Met Chris Bey at FSW last night I know i embarressed myself cause i was stuttering HARD

  1. Don’t worry about the stuttering it happens with nerves 99% of us have patience

  2. Haha don’t worry, I stuttered HARD at Royal Quest 2 in october when I met Tanahashi and Jay White, I felt like “wtf what I should I say”.

  3. Sometimes anxiety/nerves get the best of us. You got the picture, that’s all that matters.

  4. Sometimes, reminds me “Swerve at your cousin’s house” instead of at home! LoL

    Still a good wrestler.

  5. I would like to go to the shows at the FSW arena but that shit is far for me being at Sunset BLVD. I usually go see them at Silverton Casino or Sam’s town. The last FSW show I went to was when Carlito competed.

  6. Don’t feel bad. After a show years ago, one of my favorite bass players was standing right in front of me being as friendly as could be.

    I stared at my feet, completely frozen. I think he told me there was no reason to be shy and gave me a quick hug, but my brain just short-circuited. Pretty sure I didn’t even get a word out.

    At least you had the presence of mind to get a photo and be a somewhat functional person!

  7. Met Chris a couple times he’s a super chill guy. Man’s been putting that work in the last few years glad to see it’s paying off.

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