Your preferences by preset in Anki? (Kanji,Vocab,Grammar)

Hi everyone !
I would like to know, please, the preferences/parameters that worked for you and that you suggest or sites that mention configurations that have worked for you.
(which may be different depending on a kanji, vocabulary, grammar preset deck)

I am interested in the following preferences:
New cards/day (from “New cards”)
Learning steps (from “New cards”)

Relearning steps (from “Lapses”)
Leech treshold (from “Lapses”)

New interval (from “Advcanced”)

Thank you for the time taken to respond and also the experience you shared with me 🙏

  1. The thing is this depends a lot not only on the deck itself but also on the number of decks and your available time.
    For example I had 5 anki decks totally different types with 20-30 new cards each and standard setup elsewhere and quickly noticed that was impossible to do. You want to do these regularly so the amount has to be doable.
    For me now I am at 3 decks with combined 40-50 new cards a day and those decks give me combined about 220 cards to repeat daily. This takes me 1,5-2h daily. I have a 4th deck on mobile that I browse through while on toilet or travelling. I have been doing that for 2-3 months and know I will only do it for about 2 months more on that level and then reduce it a lot. At the moment like 2/3 of my practice is anki decks which is not a good thing.
    For my personal targets this is ok as I want to complete 2 decks and then focus on repeat and other learning methods.
    The repetition speed set as standard works well for me overall to remember things.

  2. This video is long, but I would watch it to help you get an understanding of the settings and how you can adjust them to your preferences. I am new to language learning with Anki, so I don’t have much personal experience with them in this context but have found his recommendations helpful and educative.

  3. I keep everything standard except cards per day. I keep this very low, because you’re going to have to keep doing flashcards for months if not years, and they add up. Keep in mind that, in a month, your study habits may change, and you may be focusing more or less on vocab/grammar/reading/writing/speaking/listening than you are now – but you still have to be doing your flashcards if you want to retain what you’ve learned.

    Right now I have 3 decks, 1 for kanji, 1 for vocab, and 1 for grammar / examples. My numbers are 5/day, 7/day, 5/day. And 17 per day is a *lot* for me, but this is what I plan to focus on for the next few months. I typically have 5-10 total per day. Splitting it over 3 topics makes it a bit easier to do more, because they occupy different parts of my brain, if that makes sense.

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