Is 240k yen enough to live in Toyama?

I will be working in Toyama as a programmer next month. Will 240k yen be enough to live there? We get our rent covered but utilities are not.

  1. It’s not a lot, but it’s enough to live there. Since rent is covered, you’ll be fine with all expenses.

    I can’t imagine the housing being the best in the world, if that’s the salary they pay.

  2. If rent is taken care of. You won’t be rich or close to it but Toyama looks like a great coastal town.

  3. What’s your experience level and specialisation? I was being paid more than that when I did a one-year stint as an English teacher. Unless you’re entry level, that’s a low salary for a programmer.

  4. If you don’t have to pay rent? Holy *shit* yes. You will easily save money.

    I can’t believe this is even a question

  5. You make more than twice the minimum wage AND you get your rent covered. Bro you’re good. As a programmer, you could be making much more though. Like twice that amount with a bit of experience under your belt!

  6. How much would rent be in Toyama? I estimate a less than 5 year old, 1 bedroom 30m^2 to be around 50,000 a month.

    Certainly enough to live, although for a programmer, I’d say it’s a below average compensation.

  7. Its more than enough.

    I live in Osaka with my girlfriend. We both earn 270k a month or about 220k after tax etc.

    100k a month for rent an utilities so 50k each and I spent 15k a week on food and fun.

    In all I can save 110k every month.

  8. It’s enough to live but there are tech companies paying a lot more and allowing people to live anywhere in Japan.

    E.g PayPay, Mercari, etc. These types of companies start at 2-3x that amount for devs.

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