bicycle parking requestat the bldg I live in denied … twice

Well we moved into a new building late last year and I’ve been parking in said bicycle parking of the building we live in. My wife said that it was fine while we were waiting for our application. Anyway we came back from holiday to a letter saying basically “request denied” for the second time, the first being in November. So now I have to find a permanent parking space somewhere near, I don’t know if there’s such a thing as long-term bicicle parking …. probably right?

IDK if we went wrong somewhere. I am a tall American, and I hope it’s not an influence on their desicion but and also I don’t wanna scream “oppression” when I might have broken some unspoken cultural rule.
Anyone have a similar experience? Advice?

P.s. it’s a big ままでんちゃり。Basically a big heavy electric bicycle for carrying a child or two

  1. Maybe instead of asking reddit you can put some effort into finding out the facts. For example, what does the apartment policy say? What was the reason for denial in both cases or what are the qualification criteria?
    These are things that only the management company could answer for you and guide you through.

    Dont always jump to the conclusion that you’re being descriminated because you’re a tall american.

  2. I wouldn’t try to call, but send them a letter or at least an email. So you create a paper trail. If the landlord/decider is a big company, then I would address it to the CEO.

    I’d write that you are surprised that you didn’t qualify for a bicycle parking and not given a reason, and it is surely a mistake of one of his underlings. And that he as the honorific honorific honorific capable CEO will surely be able to correct this very regrettable misunderstanding thankyou thankyou thankyou.

    This kind of strategy has helped me several times, even if it seems a bit ridiculous to use it for a bicycle parking.

  3. What happens if you go to their office and stand there with the form in your hand, politely waiting?

  4. Wry well may not be enough spaces for all apartments, but your post doesn’t really give that context. At night are all most all spaces taken up so that you can reasonably assume that there are no open spaces currently?
    Regardless I would follow up with management once holidays are over later this week and, if it is a case of no spaces currently open, I would ask if there is a waiting list.
    If there is a waiting list, ask where you are on it (#1 or #75…) or figure out how to get on it. If there is no waiting list, just keep putting in applications for parking – especially if you see people moving out of the building

  5. Our building doesn’t have so many spots and you have to wait for a lottery to win a bike parking spot. It could be that they just don’t have room?

    But yeah, keep calling or emailing your management company. Find out why.

  6. I have a monthly bicycle parking spot near the station for about 1,500yen p/m. If you live near the station, that might be your best bet.

  7. Do you rent? Sounds like it may be an issue between the building and your landlord. Maybe they haven’t paid some fee for the bikes.

    Just spit balling.

  8. I didn’t know you need permission to park your bicycle.

    My previous apartment (mansion) doesnt really care about quota. The only problem is abandoned bicycle taking up space.

    My current apartment has very small parking space and allocated 2 stickers for my room (2 people) in the beginning.

    Small note for me to ask for parking situation when surveying new apartment.

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