Does anyone know how to make friends for clubbing/general as an Asian foreigner

I find it more difficult to make friends in Tokyo as compared to osaka and some more rural areas. Especially as an Asian that doesn’t speak Japanese the moment they find out that you don’t have any Japanese blood in you they exclude you from the group. Is there a forum or apps to meet people to have a fun night out.

Majority of my local people I met and hang out with are mainly salary man and we hang out at bars drinking beer but it’s pretty scheduled so I kinda wanna try something new. Also there’s like a 6-10 years age gap

  1. I’m not sure who “they” are, but on the list of things that help you make friends, personality is going to be near the top spot, and ethnicity right at the bottom. If ethnicity comes into it, then they’re not people you want to be friends with.

    With that in mind, join a club/sport activity/ hobby (or websites like meetup) etc. and then take the time to get to know people and try and keep that connection going. Friendships are not things you that are delivered to you in single events, but take time and investment.

  2. Activities of any kind. Meetup or a local group or whatever. Same in any big city, really.

  3. 1) get better at dancing
    2) be generous when buying drinks
    3) be down to fuck.

    4) if above doesn’t work go see if you are any good at darts.

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