For those who suffered Covid…

How hard it’s been on you? My PCR was positive yesterday and I’ve been suffering from the fever, cough and nasal congestion since laat Saturday… I was curious to see if anyone out there suffered it for so long 🤦‍♀️
And also about the Japanese medicine, seems like candy to me, no effect at all so I’m starting to use my own paracetamol…

  1. First time. It was a breeze. The second time it was like a real bad cold with a mild fever.

  2. For me.

    Day 1: Slight tickle in the back of my throat

    Day 2: 40.5C fever, chills. Still worked from home.

    Day 3: 39C fever. Smell completely gone.

    Day 4: No more fever. Sinusitis getting worse.

    It then took around another week for my smell to come back and my sinuses to get unblocked. Then once I went back to the gym I was pretty weak for around a week before recovering to baseline strength.

    [Edit: This was around 6-7 months after my 2nd vaccine shot]

  3. I caught it a couple of months ago. It wasn’t fun but it also wasn’t any worse than influenza. High fever for a couple of days, then another three days of recovery. By the end of my quarantine I was exercising at home and felt healthier than before I got sick. (And really bored.) I had been vaccinated twice and I haven’t noticed any persistent symptoms. Obviously, it’s going to be different for everyone but if you take it easy you may well be feeling much better in a few days. Good luck!

  4. I started feeling sick last Wednesday, had a 37 degree fever by that evening, before getting full-blown symptoms (39 degree fever, terrible headache, lethargy) on Thursday.

    By Friday I was pretty much ok but still had a 38 degree fever when I got my PCR that day. By Saturday my fever had disappeared.

    I still have a scratchy throat, phlegm, and a cough, but I feel fine.

    I’m triple vaxxed and it was still pretty rough—definitely worse than a cold. I’d hate to have gone through it unvaxxed.

    They gave me a bag full of medicine when I got my PCR, but like you I found it was next to worthless (it was mainly a decongestant and medicine to reduce my fever).

    Hope you feel better soon!

  5. I just got over it. I had some sinus symptoms and slight cough starting Wednesday of last week. I tested positive Friday morning and had a diminished sense of taste by lunch. Friday night had a 41C fever, body ache, chill. Basically, really felt like shit. Saturday was mostly okay. Only some eye irritation, low energy and a cough remaining. Sunday I only had a slight cough and a bit easily winded. Cough is mostly gone today. Still a bit low energy but almost 100 percent. I never lost my appetite and only had a fever for the one night.

    I only took over the counter fever medicine and a small shot of Bron at night to help with the cough.

  6. I got COVID last week and am still in Quarantine

    Day1: Same symptoms as vaccine, headache, but no fever.

    Day2: Wet cough

    Day3 – 5: Mostly normal but a slight dry cough.

    I pretty much regained full functionality now but I still have a scratchy throat and still not 100% back to normal. Maybe two or 3 times a day I have a dry cough still.

    Covid definitely isn’t a joke. I could get over the flu within a day or two, but covid definitely wrecked more havoc on me.

  7. For me it was follows (I was kinda lucky):


    Week 1: Felt extremely sluggish and dizzy but no major fever (highest temperature I ever reached was around 37.3 degrees). I also didn’t experience much of an appetite loss. However, despite the lack of “dire” symptoms, I still felt extremely sick.


    Week 2: The sluggishness had mostly faded at this point but now I was dealing with an uncontrollable, unstoppable cough (and when I say uncontrollable and unstoppable, I mean *uncontrollable and* *unstoppable*). Luckily, I hardly experienced any (additional) strain on my throat or breathing issues. This lasted for about a week after which I only had to deal with excess phlegm for another week.


    I was prescribed three types of medicine but I highly doubt any of them worked for me. Just stick to some good ol’ paracetamol and hopefully you’ll feel better soon!

  8. Bad sinus problems, even my ears became blocked. A wet cough that was painful at times. No fever, but very very tired. Stayed in bed sleeping and coughing for about 5 days, then started to feel better after that. It was bad, but I’ve had worse influenza.

  9. For me, it was pretty rough for the first 2 weeks. I had a fever for the first few days, lost of taste and smell for about 2 days, body aches for the entirety of that time, and general cold symptoms. Unfortunately, I was still coughing for months after all of that. I was going to the local clinics, but the medicine wasn’t working that well for me. It wasn’t until I went to a respiratory clinic and giving me the good stuff that I was on my way to fully recovering. All I can advise is to keep drinking water and drink some hot ginger teas to keep the symptoms down. I’m honestly not the worst case, but I definitely recovered much slower than my friends who caught the virus so all of that could have been a “me” thing.

  10. Wife got it, two kids got it they had a tough time… as for me… I have no idea if I had it or no. No symptoms. Felt fine.

  11. Anyone else had the worst sore scratchy throat that felt like fire burning? It was much worse and more painful than strep throat.

  12. Triple vaccinated and for me it was like a cold, not even a particularly bad one. My two kids were both fine, was especially worried about my 3 year old since both influenza and RSV had put him in the hospital, but other than a slight fever he was fine. Probably wouldn’t even have tested if it wasn’t for my wife’s symptoms. She was double vaccinated at the time, but it had been about 6 months since her second dose. She had a lot of the classic COVID symptoms, very high fever, very bad body aches, very severe lethargy for at least 5 days. We all recovered without any lingering symptoms (hopefully no permanent damage?) but it’s certainly a disease with a lot of variance.

  13. Cold hands and feet. Phlegm and some cough. Fever of 39° and dizziness. First two days had sore back and legs. Now I’m on day three trying to get better.

    Weirdly, I took a pcr yesterday and came back negative. I don’t believe it. Or it’s influenza. But my friend I saw couple days ago came back positive so

  14. Had it a few months ago and had a fairly consistent fever for about a week. Japanese meds did nothing, just like always.

  15. Mine was super mild. 5 months after my 3rd shot. 37.5C fever for a couple of days, and then a sore throat right after for a few days. I also had a light cough for more than 2 weeks though, which wasn’t too annoying (I could hold it in if I wanted to) but it didn’t go away for such a long time compared to the other symptoms.

  16. My PCR came back positive on Tuesday. For me, it just fever (up to 38 degrees), headache, sore throat and fatigue on Sunday and Monday. By Tuesday, I woke up with the fever still but it was fine by lunch. Sore throat still. No headache or fatigue. Wednesday was just the sore throat.
    Now, it’s Thursday and I feel completely fine.

    The only thing I’ve taken is paracetamol (900mg dose, which is closer to the 1000 international standard, not the 300 specified in Japan) which helped a lot with the throat. At its worst, I couldn’t even swallow, it was so painful.

    I had my third vaccine dose in March for reference.

  17. Had it about two months after my 3rd shot.

    Pretty much a moderate cold.

    About two days of very sore/scratchy throat that never really developed into a cough or reached the lungs, along with slightly elevated temperature (occasional low-grade fever never even reached 38C), general fatigue and acheyness.

    After another two days I felt back to normal.

    Antigen tested positive for 10 days.

    I definitely took non-local nsaids, but not a lot.

    Interestingly, the husband was out of town when I got it, and only just got it this past week. For him that’s 4 months out from his 3rd shot and he’s gotten it much worse. Bad cough, higher fever, longer duration. He’s finally over it and testing antigen negative but the cough lingers.

    I apparently still had enough immunity from my go-round that I sustained a considerable amount of exposure from him and other family members and did not come down with it a second time.

    Weird stuff!

  18. got COVID twice, first one around 2 months after my 2nd shot and another around 3 months after my 3rd shot

    first one was an on/off fever with body aches for 2 days, the second I didn’t even notice it

    hope you feel better soon tho!

  19. day 1: weird throat, as if I’d smoked the night before, otherwise ok

    day 2: runny nose, sore throat, night chills

    day 3: flu like feel-like-shit, nose would just not stop running, I didnt even know it could produce that much. funky, sore, baad, night chills

    day 4: some nose, some throat, slight cough

    day 5: some cough

    day 6: mostly fine, but periods of small naps


    Over all, 1 day of bad, the rest I was “functional”. No fever at all. I think it was lighter thanks to vaccines.

  20. Omicron got me, January this year.
    Coughed and had fever (40⁰C max).
    Got a bit better after two days and was able to telework after five days. I had sharp ear pain and some throat discomfort for more than two weeks after that. Nasty part–the infection gave me a large tonsil stone I couldn’t scoop out. Accidentally swallowed the motherfucker when I sneezed. Disgusting, but hey, at least I didn’t die.

  21. Japanese OTC medicine is often very low dose. For example in my country standard ibuprofen tablet is 200mg, in Japan it’s 75mg.

    Check that you’re taking enough.

  22. I had it a few weeks ago. I got really bad post-nasal drip, lots of throat clearing. Then a really sore lower back, to the point I could barely move, that turned in to a cough and headache that lasted about a week. Then I was pretty much over it.

    It was the first time since COVID started that an ATK (several ATK) showed positive. And it was a strong positive, the T line showed up quick, less than a minute. I tested positive for about a week or so, then as quick as it came, it disappeared, and my tests are back to negative.

  23. Just tested positive about an hour ago.

    Day 1: Woke up with a mild sore throat (felt like something I would have gotten from acid reflux), slightly stuffy head feeling, nausea. Thought it was just related to hormonal cycles, didn’t suspect a virus at this point.

    Day 2: Pretty bad sore throat, fatigue, chest cough, voice gone.

    Day 3: Same as Day 2, except the sore throat abruptly went away around 5 PM. Got the PCR test.

    Day 4: Almost totally fine, just a lingering cough, especially when laughing. Fatigue gone.

    Day 5 (today!): Cough very minor, but I abruptly lost my sense of smell and taste for about five hours. It is now back to normal.

    Feeling pretty lucky, especially since I am the proud owner of a number of conditions that could have led to complications. Never got a fever, which I’m not surprised by, since I seem to almost never develop fevers. I still have a lot of quarantine left, though. My apartment is going to be so clean by the time I’m allowed to leave.

  24. For me it was back in November 2020, the original strain.

    – Sudden high fever (40C or so) that lasted around 3 days. Along with chills and feeling exhausted.

    – Loss of taste and smell on day 2, recovered fully after a couple of months

    – Slight dry cough starting on day 3, that lingered for a few months before resolving

    – Brainfog starting on day 4. I could feel I was less sharp and needed to concentrate more than usual for fairly mundane tasks. That lasted for 3-4 months, gradually getting better throughout, and it’s what I hated the most.

    Current strains should be much closer to the flu (or the flu on steroids for many) hopefully without the long lasting effects I experienced.

  25. Triple vaxxed, sick as a dog for 3-4 days, didn’t lose taste or smell but fatigue and brain problems persisted long after clearing of the respiratory ones.

  26. I caught in December ’21 when omicron first started going around. Sick only for 2 days but never had fever or the ‘razor throat’ symptom that seemed common. Just lethargic, runny nose and dry cough.

    My parents both caught it just under 2 weeks ago. Dad was sick for 4 days, then fine except a lingering cough. Mum was sick for about 4 days but lethargic for the whole week. Both had fever and cough.

  27. Basically like the flu, but milder. A couple of days of a low-mid fever, sweating like a bastard at night. No body aches or serious chills. Cough and sore throat. Everything basically cleared up after 4 days, and then I lost my sense of taste for a couple of days. That returned to normal about a week later.

    Honestly, it wasn’t much worse than a normal cold, and was way more mild than influenza for me (which I’ve had twice in the past 20 years, and it absolutely demolished me for a week both times).

  28. I had what I thought was a sinus infection brought on by severe allergies (my hay fever is terrible in May every year). I had a bad headache for two days, and a very low grade fever for half a day, then it was over. Never even thought it was COVID until my wife tested positive a week later. Despite having very mild symptoms, I was short of breath for nearly a month afterward.

  29. Had it about 1 year ago. It was fine. Like a day and a half in bed, then was 99% better. No medicine used at all. Getting the test was a real ordeal, but the illness itself was fine, not even as bad as the flu.

  30. Day 1: Hell. Couldn’t get out of bed, felt like my body was on fire.

    Day 2-5: Stuffy, coughing, fatigue. I was exhausted just taking out the trash.

    Days 7-10: Getting drowsy out of nowhere, light runny nose.

    Day 11: Back to normal

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