Help me proofread a short letter

Hello! I’m writing a letter to my niece-in-law, who’s 7. I lived in Japan, but it was over ten years ago, she’s half-Japanese, but she only speaks it sparcingly. I’m hoping she and I can start writing each other to practice Japanese, but it was so long ago that I last used it that I fear it might be all over the place. For context, me and my partner both got photo frames that she had painted as christmas gifts.

It definitely doesn’t have to be a very throughout proof-reading, her dad will tell her if something’s wrong, I mostly want to get a sense of if this is at all legible or if it will just make her confused.









  1. >but she only speaks it sparcingly

    I have to wonder, can she even read? At the age of seven, some kids are unable to utilize hiragana at the level you do. Or maybe the public school I went was too ghetto and is the outlier idk

    An adult would have no problem figuring out the errors, but I’m not too sure if a child can do that.

  2. You should post this to the app HelloTalk. They have a lot of native Japanese users and people continually willing to correct grammar. I would correct it myself, but I’m not nearly advanced enough, lol.

  3. > こんにちわ

    > なまえは

    I don’t know why you’re choosing to use わ for one and は for the other. Even for beginners it’s better just to use は so they get used to it being the topic marker even though it makes the sound of わ. You’re probably better off just using こんにちは.

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