Snow Wear

G’day! I’ve been living in Japan just coming up on 8 months now so this is my first winter season here and first real winter season anywhere really. I’m actually moving to Sapporo for the next 3 ish months and am wondering what winter gear I need, sorry if this is the wrong sub, I don’t use reddit regularly! I’m from Australia so this will be my second time ever even seeing snow and the first time longer than one day.

I have heat tech thermal long sleeves and pants from Uni qlo, gloves and a big winter jacket but I’m a little unsure on what to do for pants and shoes. I have a pair of black leather doc martens but for pants I’ve only ever had to wear Jeans up until now. I’m based in Tokyo currently and I was wondering if anyone could tell me where to get some good winter wear (I’m hiring ski wear for the season so I just need casual winter wear to walk around in a lot of snow). Do I need snow shoes or will docs be fine? If anyone has any suggestions on the cheaper side or second hand that would great too 🙏
Sorry if this is an obvious question but honestly I don’t even snow what shoes or pants to look for that are suitable for just walking around in snow 😅

Thankyou in advance!!

  1. You don’t need snowshoes, but you might want a pair of boots aimed at not slipping. Sidewalks are icy.
    Sounds like you are ok for arriving to Sapporo and can figure out what extra you need once you get here. For pants, you’ll probably want extra for skiing, but walking around town you should be fine with jeans as everyone else is.

  2. The thermal pants from Uni Qlo are excellent for not quite so cold days.

    Heat tech socks from Uni Qlo as well.

    I have powder boots from Montbell, I wear them basically everywhere in winter! But any shoe shop in North Japan will stock powder boots of some type. Sapporo will have days when you do have to walk through snow deep enough to overwhelm normal shoes.


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