Prime Minister Kishida announces further strengthening of waterfront measures against tourists from China from the 8th of January.

Prime Minister Kishida announces further strengthening of waterfront measures against tourists from China from the 8th of January.

  1. At New Year’s press conference in Ise City, Mie Prefecture, Prime Minister Kishida announced his intention to further strengthen waterfront measures from the 8th of this month against those entering mainland China, where the spread of the new coronas continues.

    The Government of Japan has been implementing measures such as antigen tests on entry for those entering from China since 30 last month and, in principle, a seven-day quarantine at a standby facility for those who test positive.

    Prime Minister Kishida has stated that these measures will be strengthened, and that the government will switch to PCR tests, which are more accurate than antigen tests, and that negative proof will be required for those entering the country on direct flights.


    Yahoo JP source:

  2. This is a perfect opportunity to not lose points within the near term where he needs the political base to grant him tax increases for Japan’s economy and military.

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