My electricity bill is almost 20,000 yen?!?

Okay, I’m on the verge of crying because my bills for the electricity is UNBELIEVABLE HIGH.

I really don’t know what could make it to this price.
I always try to unplug anything if I can when I don’t use it,
I tried to use as less as possible the air conditioner because I know that this is one of the biggest factors why electricity bill can go up so high but still it’s not like I have like a Christmas festival in my room…

Okay, I must say that I have been recently using my Air conditioner little bit more because it’s too cold to life in the room, but I turn it off as much as I can.

Around October/ beginning of November weather was relatively durable, so that was the period I used the least the air conditioner and I opened all my curtains so that I didn’t need to use light as much as possible.
But still, even then my bill was 10,000 yen….

  1. – Where do you live?
    – How many hour per day are you using the a/c, and what degrees you are setting them at?
    – Do you have gas or electric water heater? Cooking top?
    – How many watt-hour were the 20,000 yen bill?

    Lights don’t really consume lots of electricity. It’s heating and cooling that is expensive.

  2. Which company are you contracted with? Are you able to switch?

    Maybe you can consider using the gas heater which could be a lot cheaper in your case.

  3. It’s the aircon, especially if you’re using it from morning to evening non-stop as you say later. Maybe have it set to around waking up time so it’s nice and warm when you get out of bed, then turn it off and use layers for the day instead of heating.

  4. Omg I was literally going to post the same thing. I just received my electric bill for Nov 23- Dec 22 and its about ¥20 600 plus taxes and it says I use 469kwh of energy. I live alone in a 20ms apartment. My electric bill is usually around ¥3900-¥5000 yen the most.
    The only thing I did differently too was to turn on my heating at night. Who is your provider?

  5. If you’re bill is really high even when you aren’t using the air conditioner, you might check your hot water heater settings (or have your landlord check them). My bill was really high when I moved in and it turns out that they had the water heater set to heat during the day when it’s more expensive and something was wrong with it where it was just trying to heat the water that whole time instead of stopping when the tank was full/hot (or however that works lol). My bill was 10,000 for the first week! Might be worth looking into.

  6. Microwave ovens and irons are really expensive to run. Also if your appliances such as a refrigerator is old they might not be working properly and thus using more electricity.

  7. My electric bill is around 3 to 4 man during the winter months if it makes you feel any better. My apartment is relatively big, and I work from home, so at least one air conditioner is always on.

  8. Do you live in an apartment (condo) or house? How many people live with you? That’s going to make a huge difference.

    Your electric bill is largely determined not by lights but by heating / cooling.

    I live in a fairly big house. Family of four, big living room, big family room that I’m in most of the time. We have a dog that sleeps downstairs so we often have the A/C or heater on later in the evenings and/or early in the morning for him.

    Our gas + electricity bill averaged Y36,000 for Aug-Sep and Y27,000 for Oct-Nov. So Y20,000 for electricity alone isn’t crazy high. If you live in a condo it’s rather high tho.

    Worth noting that costs have definitely increased vs 2021 and 2020, when the averages for both years were roughly Y25,000 for Aug-Sep and Y18,000 for Oct-Nov.

    Now if you’re living in the UK…..

  9. Air purifiers and those plug in stove heaters use a TON of electricity if you have any of those too, I hit 25000 in a 30m^2 apartment last winter and stopped using it and it went down to 12000

  10. You know in their homes a lot of people wear padded vests and heat tech underwear. Even woollen hats.

    Bundle up. Heating’s expensive in this country and houses have zero insulation.

    Also, people usually only heat the room they’re in and using.

  11. Lights, fans don’t make that much of impact on energy consumption.

    Most energy company removed the fuel adjustment cap, so now the average price per KW is around 26y + 11.93y + ** so let’s just round it to 40y per KW. But the good news is that starting from this month the government will pay 7y per KW till September, so expect to see your energy bill lower from now.

  12. `I must say that I have been recently using my Air conditioner little bit more because it’s too cold to life in the room,`

    Feels cold…. uses A/C…. 🤯

    Seriously??? WTF

  13. At least you don’t have welders and an air compressor in your garage :-/

    3man would be a low bill for me here in Okinawa, any month. Winter I heat with kerosene laser heaters. Average is about 4man for electricity. 8 man with more welding.

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