Personality Changes after Suntory Strong Zero

I know that it’s a popular drink and recently found that it has… A reputation. My partner loves this drink, but everytime he drinks it, he turns aggressive, moody and a little violent. I told him to switch brands, but it’s like he’s addicted to its destructiveness. I’ve grown terrified of this drink. Even just seeing the can at convenience stores makes me shudder.
Does anyone else have this experience?

  1. I’ve never heard of someone behaving that way only cause of one specific drink. You sure he isn’t always like that when drunk in general???

  2. I love drinking strong zero but this never happened to me or on any other alcoholic drinks.

    Suntory strong zero has a huge reputation to knock you out after a few cans. Being aggressive though seems like it has less to do of what the brand he drinks but more on how the body and his brain react to the amount of alcohol he takes.

    Being aggressive or violent after drinking isnt something new .well, maybe for me that is since before I went here to Japan I have seen many cases of violence because of alcohol back in my own country.

    This is just what I know about alcohol though. And there are definitely people here which are more knowledgeable than me when it comes to alcohol.

  3. This one POS that visits the Hachioji Hub always becomes obnoxious after he’s had too much to drink. Bottom line, it’s not the drink so much as his true colors comes out after having one too many.

  4. Could be an allergy. Sometimes it’s not the alcohol, it’s the additives. I knew someone who was a mean drunk and they found out it was a sugar allergy. All alcohol has sugar, but some drinks have more added sugars than others. So it took a while to figure out the problem—everyone thought the person was just an asshole.

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