A bit lost with Anki and how to learn efficiently kanjis

Hello everyone!

I’m having quite a bit of trouble with Anki to help me learn kanjis with the 2k/6k deck. (please let me know if I should post this on r/anki rather than here!)

I’m currently learning Japanese and wanted to improve my knowledge of kanjis with Anki (like a lot of people). I’m taking weekly classes with a teacher and we’re learning kanjis in class, so I’m not starting from zero (I must know 100+ kanjis so not much for now).

I downloaded the well-known 2k/6k kanjis deck for Anki but I don’t know how to set it up to make sure I’m reviewing the kanjis I’m learning with my teacher and that I’m learning very common N5 kanjis to take a bit of advance in class (and I feel like my brain is very reluctant to learn kanjis and it’s taking me a while!).

Right now, I feel overwhelmed with kanjis I’ve never seen before on Anki and that feel way over my current level.

So I’m looking for some advice!

\- How do you set up Anki to have only the kanjis you want?

\- How can I make sure the next ones I’m learning are N5 kanjis?

\- Any tips to have a smooth but efficient progression?

\- Do you also take the time to write kanjis on your own?

Last but not least, I was using WaniKani before but after reading a lot of threads here I thought that Anki may be a better way to learn == Should I go back to WK?

Thanks a lot for your help!

  1. well that’s the problem with pre-made decks, they aren’t tailored to you

    If you wanna stick with using pre-made, go to the card browser and suspend all the cards in the entire deck, then search for the kanji you wanna learn, and un-suspend them. Easy enough?

    If you want to make your own cards, uh, there are many ways to do it. But one way is to add some vocab using those kanji, and also add a generic “recognize” card using a story from kanji.koohii.com

    So like the other day I learned a new one, 癒. This is used in 癒やす and 癒える which are a trans/intrans pair “to heal” so I added those to my main anki vocab deck. I also added 癒 to my “kanji recognize” deck, which is a deck I can go through super fast, just to make sure I still remember that symbol generally means “heal”

  2. I’d honestly say just learn the words in the deck, there’s not much reason to limit kanji in words you lean, you’ll need them anyway. If you see 使う, its just つかう and “to use”, no more no less.

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