か used as a list particle as a replacement for とか?

I was reading the lyrics for a song and came across the following sentence:


I’m a little confused as to how the “**か**” is used in this sentence if you read it as


then it makes grammatical sense. My guess here is that か here is basically an abbreviation of とか, is that correct?

  1. か in this case is kind of like “Or.”

    The alternative provided would be like saying, “Give me, like, a 地図, like, a 教科書, or like, a マニュアル.” So “something like,” or “such as,” etc.

  2. か – “or,” as in “A or B”

    とか – “something (like)”

    A: 美香さん、趣味は何ですか。そポーツとかしますか。What are your hobbies, Mika? Do you play sports or something?

    B: テニスかバスケすることしますが、たいていうちでごろごろしたりテレビを見たりします。I do play sports, but I usually do something laze about the house or watch TV.

    A: 映画か本が好きですか。Do you like movies or books?

    B: 映画が好きです。I like books.

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