Donating and Carbon Offsetting with Japanese Bank Accounts

Hey folks,

I will have a couple of Yen left before moving out of Japan, in a Japanese savings account. Since buying power, lack of Japanese credit cards and exchange rates make it difficult to transfer back home, I thought I’d take the opportunity to donate the money.

One option that came to mind was carbon offsetting. Are there any carbon offsetting organisations that accept cash or Japanese bank transfers?
Other suggestions for charities are also appreciated, especially related to effective altruism.

  1. While not a formal carbon offset scheme, I am sure you could pay some japanlife user to not use their heater and save on electricity. Probably more effective than many of the carbon offset schemes.

  2. Carbon offsets are a scam. I wish it wasn’t true, but it is. They’re just ways for big corps to make marketing claims.

    [Animal Refuge Kansai]( can always use support. They’re a registered NPO and do a lot of great work throughout Japan.

  3. If you like animals/cats you could try to donate to the Japan Cat Network organization (JCN).
    Or just as others mentioned help out sb from the sub who’s in need. 🙂

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