Realistically when are incoming 2022 ALTs going to depart?

Just curious since some embassies seem to have indicated that there will be delays. Will incomiing 2022 JETs leave this year or next year?

  1. Seems like there’s a better chance they’ll leave on time this year, since Japan is slowly opening up, but literally no one knows.

  2. The planned date of regular departure is July 23rd. Haven’t heard any changes yet about the departure date.

  3. Realistically? You won’t know until later. The Japanese government is still keeping an eye out for potential fallout from Golden Week, and if that’s bad, they may freeze everything.

  4. Right now there’s been good progress in opening up for work and student visas. With all the press that surrounded that, I highly doubt Japan will close off from those groups unless something major happens. They might add stricter regulations but I don’t see it completely closing. Some of the UK JETs that we’re delayed last year have arrived recently. The big thing up in the air now is when Japan will open for tourism.

  5. Probably a decent chance, they’ve already had some ED arrive.

    They’d probably still prioritise work and student visas over tourist visas for the time being.

  6. I’ve heard from the Japan side that entries may be staggered as they have been recently, likely depending on the situation in different countries and what is available in terms of flights etc. There’s no way of knowing right now as the government policies can change quickly as we’ve seen. IF there is no new, big situation like a serious variant then I’d assume that the new cohort be sent over during the summer as much as possible, but grain of salt.

  7. Would be nice if they can come as usual at the end of July ~ early August. Hopefully before September. I’m hoping that my replacement won’t need to wait long so that they can have time to adjust before officially starting classes.

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