I need help for the word paranoid?

I would like to know which is the correct way of writing and pronouncing the English word paranoid. Is it 被害妄想の or 妄想的な ?
Thank you in advance.

  1. Most Japanese would not understand what you are saying unless you are talking about a clinical disease. If you are trying to say something like,”You’re just being paranoid” you should use the word 考え過ぎ


  2. 被害妄想 is more like persecution/victim complex and focuses less on being paranoid clinically- it’s more just a negative habit where you interpret people’s intentions to be bad when there is no reason to. Paranoia will depend on the context- we also simply say パラノイア or 偏執病/偏執症.

    If you just want to say ‘you’re being paranoid’ something more simple like ‘考え過ぎだよ’ is appropriate.

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