Most Japanese would not understand what you are saying unless you are talking about a clinical disease. If you are trying to say something like,”You’re just being paranoid” you should use the word 考え過ぎ
被害妄想 is more like persecution/victim complex and focuses less on being paranoid clinically- it’s more just a negative habit where you interpret people’s intentions to be bad when there is no reason to. Paranoia will depend on the context- we also simply say パラノイア or 偏執病/偏執症.
If you just want to say ‘you’re being paranoid’ something more simple like ‘考え過ぎだよ’ is appropriate.
Depending on the context perhaps 疑心暗鬼 would work?
The way you worded the question seems to suggest you needed a r/translator. Just saying.
Link: []( This is an old list of Japanese family names. I don’t own and didn’t make this…
Most Japanese would not understand what you are saying unless you are talking about a clinical disease. If you are trying to say something like,”You’re just being paranoid” you should use the word 考え過ぎ
被害妄想 is more like persecution/victim complex and focuses less on being paranoid clinically- it’s more just a negative habit where you interpret people’s intentions to be bad when there is no reason to. Paranoia will depend on the context- we also simply say パラノイア or 偏執病/偏執症.
If you just want to say ‘you’re being paranoid’ something more simple like ‘考え過ぎだよ’ is appropriate.
Depending on the context perhaps 疑心暗鬼 would work?
The way you worded the question seems to suggest you needed a r/translator. Just saying.