I guess this is her new finish….might not have been a botch just a bad camera angle

I guess this is her new finish….might not have been a botch just a bad camera angle

I guess this is her new finish….might not have been a botch just a bad camera angle from njpw

  1. Was definitely a botch. Kairi was down before she ever grabbed her head for the DDT..

  2. That’s honestly awful looking.

    You would need two smooth wrestlers to pull this off each time, otherwise it’s going to look nasty.

  3. It looks like a move that will look really good 10% of the time, but will look like hot garbage the other 90%. I appreciate her trying something new going into a new chapter in her career, but this ain’t it.

  4. In the original video she tries two different variations of the same move (along with a Gory Special/G2S move).

    The first one here has the wrestler on the receiving end land on their feet before the DDT. The second has the wrestler bump the way KAIRI did.

    Looks like they had a miscommunication as Mercedes went for the first option while KAIRI bumped the way she would in the second variation.

  5. feels like an early match transition lucha move spot. She should never do this again

  6. Its such an unintuitive move. The Gory Bomb setup just doesn’t make any sense to turn into a spinning DDT like that. A good finisher should never leave you questioning why it would hurt or why you would set it up that way. It would make more sense to just eliminate the DDT aspect and have it be a face crusher kind of sideways slam- flip them to the side off your back and you both go face first to the mat- still not as efficient and clear as the original GB, but at least it would make a bit more sense

  7. It’s too much and overly complicated. She should just use the Banks statement and rename the move the Monae Maker. 👌

  8. This looks more suited as a tag move and if she wanted a ddt as a finisher she could’ve gone with the float over ddt

  9. It’s too complicated. Her bankrupt is amazing. Even a DDT variation would have been cool Bc yuh can hit that on anyone from anywhere.

  10. Nothing was wrong with the Backstabber/Banks Statement. Everything about her right now is feeling like she’s trying too hard.

  11. people need to understand she cant use the same wwe moves because they will try and get their cut from her or sue her she came up with something new to me it dont look good that dont like like a real finisher . i think she need to work with stardom women to get a few new moves down

  12. It’s over complicated for no reason

    A good finisher either has a simple set up or can be done quickly like a stunner

    This is a good move to have but it’s a poor finisher

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