Is it ok to wear a yukata for my birthday?

Me and my boyfriend will be going out into the city for my birthday next week.
I have a yukata for festivals that I love wearing. I’m turning 30, it’s a special birthday for many reasons but one is that it’s my first birthday not alone in Japan.

Anyway, I don’t want to offend anyone or people to think it’s really odd.

Can anyone advise me?

  1. >Anyway, I don’t want to offend anyone or people to think it’s really odd.

    The former is fine and the latter is out of your control.

  2. You’re gong to freeze your ass in a Yukata, and I guess people will probably wonder why you wear summer clothes midwinter, but besides that….

  3. Yukata are for summer, you’re going to be very cold in it. And it doesn’t layer well.

    If you want to, just do a kimono rental so you can get a proper kimono for winter.

  4. It’s not offensive, Japanese will think it’s weird not upsetting for it to be a yukata. I’d go with a kimono instead if you have your heart set on the idea. Maybe someone can help dress you up in all the pieces?

  5. A yukata is a summer garment. Wouldn’t it be super cold with a yukata? What would you be wearing underneath? Heattech?

  6. Happy birthday! As others have said, a yukata is for summer (and baths). Why not go get your picture taken in a real kimono for your 30th? (Unless your birthday is Monday, which is coming of age day, which is a hugely busy time for kimono.)

    Alternatively, you could have dessert at home & change into your yukata for that.

  7. Cultural appropriation is a Western sensitivity. People in Japan actually like it when you wear Japanese clothing.

  8. It will only be “really odd” because it’s a summer garment and you’d be wearing it in the middle of winter. To people who know what it is, it will look like you’re walking through the city in January [like this]( Very odd. But foreigners are usually excused such faux pas.

    However if it’s a special birthday I echo some others and recommend getting a kimono rental and/or photoshoot done in a proper kimono for winter! You’ll be much warmer and have good photos to look back on.

  9. Nobody will be offended, but people will think you’re crazy for wearing a yukata in this weather. If your goal is to avoid stares or others thinking it’s odd, I’m afraid that is going to be hard.

    I would recommend waiting until summer, or getting a proper winter-weather kimono, but since it’s a birthday thing I suppose that’s not possible.

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