Will ospreay snaps turning wrestle kingdom 17 press conference

Will ospreay snaps turning wrestle kingdom 17 press conference

Will ospreay snaps turning wrestle kingdom 17 press conference from njpw

  1. What a crybaby. #Rentfree Omega. Omega has this in the bag. Easy win. Belt collector is back.

  2. Y’know real life me is like … “Well that was a bit excessive”

    Kayfabe me is like… “Fuck yes my son. Let him know. That prick thinks he can just walk back in after all these years and play the big shot again? After all you’ve done? Does he not know the growth you’ve been through? Fuck him”

  3. My god, what a promo. If this happened on Dynamite or Raw or Smackdown – minus the excessive swearing – then people would be calling Ospreay a GOAT promo

  4. If NJPW were WWE, Cena would just no sell the emotion and say, “A fine speech.” The right choice is to let it all simmer. Good on ‘em for making the right choice.

  5. This is wonderful. It’s too early to win this for Will. Kenny should win and setup a rematch for Forbidden Door 2 (or some other show mid-year).

    Will finally conquers him there, leading to a confident G1 Win and next year’s Wrestle Kingdom.

  6. Ospreay MUST win.

    I’m thinking it’s why he lost on aew in the trios tournament.

  7. Osprey is the future. I’ve said that for years. Ricochet also, should have been a sign of the future growth that can be achieved in this industry.

  8. What was that “sorry about what I did against your friend” part about?

    Had Will injured Omega’s friend in a match or what was all that?

    Otherwise a good hyping of the match 😉

  9. I’m one of the “casuals” or “Kenny stan” that’ll be buying and boy oh boy do I wanna see Will turn him into dust

  10. So fucking excited.

    Both men are two of the best in the world and I hope they put on a banger.

  11. I’m the biggest Kenny mark there is, but I do hope to see Will win this. I’ve only just started following him but I’m super impressed with him and I really see him as the future.

    However, if Kenny wins, I’m just going to trust them that it’s the beginning of an amazing storyline/feud. I’m sure either way, whether it’s a one-and-done deal at WK or if it’s something more long and drawn-out, that Will is going to come out of it looking amazing.

    Maybe I’m naively optimistic, but I’m just going to enjoy the outcome no matter what happens.

  12. Ospreay has to win. After this and Omega more or less bashing New Japan in his interview, Omega winning will only make Ospreay and New Japan look like a bunch of clowns. Ospreay winning would also kickstart his journey to finally beating Okada.

  13. Will was seething during Kenny’s and Don’s promo. The mic not working just pushed him over the edge. This is so damn good.

  14. “My best friend died and I had to watch his funeral through a f*cking Ipad” god, this line cuts deep. For context, I’m pretty sure he’s talking about Ryan Smile, a British wrestler who took his own life in 2020. He and Will were a tag team that used to use “Uptown Funk” as their theme. RIP Ryan Smile

  15. “I don’t know why anyone would want to watch clap crowd wrestling.”
    Indeed, Will. Indeed.

  16. Definitely a shoot. Can’t fake that kind of emotion and passion and true legitimate feeling.

  17. That was a fantastic segment, specially Ospreay promo 🔥

    Does anyone have a countdown or a clock that i can consult to watch it live? I swear it’s confusing for me

  18. All-time promo by Ospreay here. I’ve never been 100% sold on him, but I am now. Should be a cool match.

    Also, it’s really funny to see Kenny being a giant heel in NJPW despite being an athletic Babyface in AEW. Normally this would erk me, but for this storyline it makes sense. The shades of gray on both sides are very cool.

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