Tokyo Jujutsu High Dining Hall

Hi everyone!

My husband and I want to go to USJ towards the end of February. He’s a big JJK fan so we wanted to do all the related things while we’re there, including eating at the themed restaurant. Has anyone been there recently and can tell me how it works? Would we need to get there right when the park opens to put our name down?

Our current plan is to go on a Friday. We’ll be taking an early train from Hiroshima and going straight to the park. Since we probably won’t get there right at opening, I’m worried we’ll miss our chance to eat there. Our next option is to go either on Saturday or Sunday, but I’ve heard it’s crazy busy on those days so is it worth it?

Thank you for your help!

1 comment
  1. If it’s like anything else in USJ you will have to arrive early to make a reservation. I did not eat at the JJK restaurant but I did want to go to nintendo world . In order to do so I had to show up to the park at 8am and make my way to limited time slots for the park. At 1pm I did see a line up of people infront of the JJK restaurant to make reservations. If you go late chances are you will either get the last slot (20:30 ) or they will tell you it’s full. I highly suggest getting in as early as possible. Saturday and Sunday would be worse. At least that’s what I’ve been told. Best of luck.

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