How do I eat this? Toasted? Roasted? Sauces? Please help!

How do I eat this? Toasted? Roasted? Sauces? Please help!

  1. it says anago on the front which is salt water eel, never had it dried but I imagine you want to rehydrate it if you are going to use it in a dish. Look into dried eel for options.

  2. Apparently it’s [Sasaki brand Yaki Anago Shoyu Aji]( – sea eel grilled with soy sauce.

    I’ve never eaten anago in that style myself, but the retail site says it’s a snack that can be eaten as-is and goes well with alcohol. There’s apparently a chili seasoning version too. It seems you can simply eat it right out of the bag, or dust it with whatever seasonings or sauces you enjoy that wouldn’t clash with the eel and soy sauce’s flavor. Between it being sea eel and cooked in soy sauce, I imagine it would be quite salty. Seems like the kind of snack that would go really well with a nice, cold beer.

  3. Eat as is.

    Toast it if you want. I have a hibachi and stuff like this or dried squid is great after you heat it up over charcoal. Wonderful with hot sake.

  4. It’s basically eel jerky. So, open your mouth, stick it in, and start chewing (and chewing)!

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