Can you get your application rejected for extension of period of stay? (Work visa)

I came to japan 11 years ago and transitioned from student visa to working visa. I have been working for my company 7 years, but I have to apply for visa extension next month. I have no criminal records and all my taxes are paid. But I still feel anxious that I can get rejected.

Sorry if its a dumb question but is there any possibility that I get the visa denied for too many extension in the past?

  1. Unheard of as far as I know. Unless you submit false documents, claim to do something you are not supposed to do (like work in a different category than your status of residence), or there is some other big issue.

  2. An application for extension can be rejected but it won’t be if there’s nothing that would justify it. If you’re still employed and your paperwork is in order you shouldn’t have any problems. If you can stay with the same company for three more years you can apply for PR on the 10-year path next time around.

  3. If you worked at your company for 7 years, that means you had to have at least 1 extension already. I don’t know why you are anxious but so far I see no reason to be worried.

  4. Outside of criminal convictions etc the only reason it would really get denied is if you’re working outside the scope of your status of residency (SOR) or if you’re working with the correct SOR but outside the scope of your CoAE (certificate of authorized employment):

    For example, just because the Engineer/Specialist in humanities/international services (commonly dubbed “humanities” visa) covers a broad amount of job roles… contrary to popular belief, it does not mean the foreigner holding the humanities visa can work all the jobs covered within the scope of the humanities visa.

    This is because the SOR is granted to each individuals Job + CoAE.

    So if you’ve changed employer, or changed job roles from when you last renewed and that employer/job role falls outside the scope of your SOR and/or CoAE then…. Yea, you might have issues.

    This is why when foreigners on work visas change employment they need to notify immigration following one of these links:

    But if you’re still with the same employer and job role for the past 7 years then it means you must have renewed at least once? If so then you’re likely all good in the case your with the same employer and job role.

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