Anyone get weird LINE spam from Western names in stilted Japanese recently?

I had one a bit ago that I wanted to make sure wasn’t legitimately connected to a job prospect, but “her” story was bizarre. She never got into whatever her actual purpose was before I blocked her, but was curious if anyone else has had this.

She started off asking if I was (incorrect katakana for my name – maybe on purpose, maybe not, people have made the same mistake for real before). I said no, and asked where she got my number. She claimed it came from (a family member) who had said I wanted to discuss (job I’ve had vague ties to but nothing super recently). I asked the family member’s name multiple times before getting a weird, long katakana name that didn’t make sense (after I told her I’d block her if she didn’t tell me who it was).

Of course I reported it, but what was it the account was attempting to do?

  1. Knowing a lot of these scams they were probably going to try to get you to sign up for a fake crypto trading website.

  2. Settings > privacy > uncheck “allow others to add me by ID” and check “filter messages”.

    Problem solved.

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