Resources for planned WHV?

Hey, all. Just found you guys. I’m a Canadian chef, and figured I would ask a couple questions here before I delve any further in my own research. I’m currently 28 and WHVs are only available as long as you’re 30 and under, if I’m not mistaken. (I’d like to read through personal experiences over wrapping my head around sometimes convoluted legal writings).

1. Working as a chef, it’s strongly believed to be a job you could manage to do anywhere in the world. Would that hold true in Japan? Are there any resources like companies and websites that can help you in finding these jobs prior to moving?

2. Same as for the first question, I’m assuming there are resources available to foreigners for finding short-term lodging ie. 6 months?

3. Say I really enjoy my experience, how likely is it to be accepted for immigration after a WHV stay, or is there no correlation? I don’t exactly know all the hoops you have to jump through for moving to Japan, so any clarification in that regard would also help!

4. I have my N3, would that be enough to get by during my WHV stay? Would it be better to try aiming for the N2 before I attempt the visa application?

5. Like most chefs, I have quite a few tattoos, although nothing a long-sleeve can’t cover. Would restaurants be as strict with tattoos as I’ve heard onsens and the like are? Would it affect the immigration application, let alone the WHV or acquiring the lodging for the stay?

Many thanks for anyone taking the time to reply! A great day to all.

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