Post office rant.

Does anyone else have problems sending packages to the US at the post office? I almost quit sending stuff back home to my niece and nephew because everytime I go it turns into at least an hour ordeal. Maybe its just my local office. My Japanese is passable n3. Once I tried sending a box of random stuff I bought at the dollar store and hard off. They made me take everything out, weigh every item, write down the price of every item, write down every type of item which took forever. So now I stick to maybe two items per package. I somewhat know now you can do it online but honestly it shouldn’t be that hard to send a package. Sorry for the rant 🙂 I’m in Ishikawa btw.

  1. That is the requirement from the US Border and Customs. They require EAD, electronics advanced data, aka the online form. I think it’s already nice of them to allow you to do declaration at the office. Most other offices will just turn you away if you didn’t fill the online form.

  2. This is a new requirement when sending items among the G20 countries, I believe. You can do it all online now and it’s pretty easy (though I agree, not as easy as it was when filling it all out at the post office as it does require some forward planning).

  3. Yeah it’s a huge hassle so I haven’t been sending packages in a while. But, honestly, the online declaration makes it easier though once you get the hang of it since I don’t have to hand write every single time.

    Also, it could just be your post office or the type of stuff you’re sending, but I got away with not having to write and weigh every single item in detail. For example, when I mailed multiple items of clothes, instead of separating it as, “t-shirt”, “pants”, “jacket”, etc, I just wrote down “clothing” and number of items plus estimate price value. The post lady didn’t mention anything about it. Simply asked if there’s anything inflammable. If you have the means to, then maybe try out other post offices in your area.

  4. Never had a problem.

    You can do the EAD online and print at home.
    Then just give them the paper, pay and it’s done.

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