Whiny, entitled question about podcasts

This is probably reaching and it is definitely whiny and entitled but are there any interesting Japanese learning podcasts to listen to? I have tried the regular ones where they go over the basic daily routine, run of the mill stuff but I always get super bored and just turn on true crime or paranormal pods, (I can’t help who I am, it’s what I like).

While I’m sure there is a pretty simple, “You want the good stuff ??? You gotta do the work” answer to my problem, I thought I’d reach out just in case.

  1. ive got this big list someone compiled saved, might have something in there for you https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/comments/xyoj5w/100_of_japanese_podcasts/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf
    it also might help to go back and forth betweene easy and hard stuff. when i was brushing back up on my Spanish, i went back and forth between duolingo’s podcast (very clear and slow, with english summaries, 15 minutes max) and Radio Ambulante (hour long This American Life style nonfiction storytelling). one was less interesting but easier to grind out, which ended up helping me with the denser stuff

  2. Maybe you find them boring because it’s too easy? Why not try listening to podcasts made for native japanese audience?

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